Sunday, January 6, 2013

Memories that Endure are Moments that Matter

I have been working on "Mini Moments" with the girls in out home school group. Like taking a small trip to the park and then being able to write about it and make it as fun with word as the trip it's self was. Then I came across this photo challenge or game and thought it would be fun to join in on.

Although this is more of an instagram challenge, I am just going to be using photos in general, most of which are taken with my phone, but some have already been taken. Things that I would never be able to duplicate.

#1 is Resolution/Goal.
Resolutions, usually don't work for me, the Elephant is just way too big, I know what I want to be, look like, and have. But usually get frustrated my stating a "Resolution" that will take the entire year to accomplish. Last year after two weeks into the new year and yet again "I was a fail" with the Year's resolution. I decided that I would work on small thing weekly, and then that way I would be good, and when I did fail it was just for a little while, and I could easily start over.

But for those of you you like year long resolutions, here is a different way to look at them.

You can look at this one two different ways.

1- Doing something that would be a "good" or "better" choice for someone to make in your life.
2- Stop doing something that is not good, or something that could be done better.

Then one can really score when you manage to do both, when you look at replacing something not so good with something good. 

Well by default, I fell into a resolution, that I can actually accomplish, replacing a not so good with a better. I am not going to say what it is, the pictures will tell it all.

For Christmas I got myself a bunch of books

I was having a hard time trying to figure out when to read them.

#2 is Favorite Photo of You

Well honestly there is no favorite photo of me, and I sure am not going to get one either. I do get a few pictures of me, just because that is a lesson I learned from Ruth, I am who I am, I am my children's mother and they see me as I am every day. They will want pictures of who I am. so here is one of my favorite picture of me, not because it is of me but the cute adorable kid next to me.

#3 is Adore

Zoey, our new cute ADORABLE big puppy climbs up on the wood pile and says hello or good bye every time we come and go. 

I think she is going to be my new favorite dog!

#5 is Bonding

Need I say more?

#6 Guilty Pleasure
not sure I want to post anything but I will

Yum! Esther showed me that you can still buy Big Hunk candy bars at Cracker Barrel!
not sure if that was a good thing.

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