these are clips about the book Do Hard Things
My Face Book was defaced by my daughter
Winter Weather Advisory In Effect From 6 Pm This Evening To Noon Mdt Monday
Temp: 32°F (0°C) Light Snow
Light Snow
Humidity: 100%
Wind Speed: SW 10.4 MPH (9 KT)
Barometer: 29.51 in
Dewpoint: 32°F
Wind Chill: 24°F
Updated at UNKNOWN
Very tired, met some way cool and some way intresting people today. When you put on a "Don't Tread on Me " T shirt and start talking Tea party and Health care, it has a tendency to bring out the best or the most intresting in people. I... am so glad to be an American, and have the opportunity to talk to people about thing that are going on and not have to worry about who I might be talking to.
If I only had
a brain...... Lacking self confidence hu go figure. Guess I need to work on that one.
Which Wizard of Oz Character are You?" with the result Scarecrow.You are the scarecrow. You are a simple, country person, lacking self-confidence more than anything. But, turns out, you are a clever, brave and lo...yal companion. Believe in yourself and you will go far. . I usually stay clear away from things like this, But tomorrow I will be here. look for me if you are there too.
Hey there Delilah, what’s it like at BYU? I’m just a quarter mile away, but feel so far away from you, But that will do, Cuz two years from now I’ll be with you, I know that’s true. Hey there Delilah, don’t you worry about the distance, Few more mon...ths...

Here's your chance to let the media know where the people stand on our faith in God, as a nation..
NBC is presently taking a poll on "In God We Trust" to stay on our American currency.

Please do it right away, before NBC takes this off their web page. Poll is still open so you can vote:
Ben is coming home November 3rd
He has been in Juniper with his Grandparents and Uncle Ben doing Harvest. Since July.
Your Result
Is: Summer Personally I like personally Spring is better.
"It is hardly too strong to say that the constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well bu they meand to govern. They proemise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. Daniel Webster
Ben woke up with snow this morning. Glad it is in Idaho and not here
Yikes, Huge earth quake!

My friends on Facebook:
Gender breakdown: 59% female / 41% male
Relationship status: 57% single / 43% taken
Political breakdown: 6% democrats / 94% republicans
Geographic distribution: 5 countries, 16 states
Most common zodiac sign: Leo (41 friends)
Sarah completed the quiz "(The Real) How Mormon Are You?" with the result 100% Mormon.You attend every church function on the ward calendar. You may hold a calling like Bishop, Relief Society President, or one of the corresponding counselor...s. You met your husband/wife at
a church function or at BYU. You don't say butt, you say bum and you can't even say that without giggling a little..
Wow off just a bit. I met my husband for the first time at Philmont Scout Camp. I do say butt, and Danm and Hell. Never been president. not even in Beehives, Miamaids, or Laureals. No I don't attend every church function. I usually just forget. But I do consider myself to be 100 % LDS
Truth is clear, like crystal clear water, it also feel like crystal clear water. Anything else clouds the water to cause confusion for ones one personal agenda what ever that may be. 1Thesalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Sarah just took the "what power do you have?" quiz and the result is Insight.
you have the power to read people like an open book, to see into their souls and to know their intentions
kinda scary when the weather is the most trusted news source, and for me the only reason I actually watch the news every now and then
"Boy Scouts was green before it was cool" or Before it was blown out of proportion and used as a means to increase government spending and increased taxes
(Andrew)He is home, sore, but doing fine!
(Andrew)He is goofy and doing fine
surgery is done and (Andrew) he is in recovery dr says all is fine
Andrew's in surgery
We are all in this together, ya so we share the earth at the same time, and we are friends, but there is nothing like good old fashioned competition from WE the Pe
Source: Friend Me! Story of Stuff, Full Version; How Things Work, About Stuff From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home ... and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view....
Showing this is schools, one chapter at a time, so they can really talk about how horrible we all are. one of my favorites was w
hen they start talking bout original trees, duh they regrow, any original founding fathers around? It took her 10 years to find the messed up facts to go with what she wanted to teach!
1 scout, 4 leaders & their families, missing 6 scouts Rain Gutter Regatta
My baby girl got glasses, and we got the 5000 year

leap books in today, anyone want to buy one?
The book is about the 28 principals that the founding fathers used to write the constitution. It is loaded with quotes from them, and why this constitution is a constitution that will last forever.
the list, 6:00, leve,l sawhorses, wood, hose, plyers, glue gun, glue, coins, staple gun, staples, sissors, extention coard, lap top, blackberry toping, pineapple peach topoing. do you know what I am doing tonight? Christine you can't anwser. Chad you too.
That is it Rain gutter regatta, the wood goes under the rain gutters, the wood goes on the saw horses, they are adjustable to we can make them level on our parking lot on a hill.
everyone wants something.
Sarah Campbell Capps Talakto District Fishing Rodeo 2009
Source: song with some Army Helo sequnces
Find those yellow rain boots put on a happy face, embrace curly hair and be happy! I am thankful for the rain!
Fishing rodeo done, time to clean house!
Yesterday was awaesome! but today I have a headache from HELL! And there is still soo much to do!!
My big big big goal is to write a belt loop & pin and merit badge.
This is a program that I started two years ago with the help of Life South, and it hasn't been doing very well, so we have redone how the program works and now it should be sprinting across the nation in a few years!
Sarah Campbell Capps The one the only new scouting for blood patch only available in Alabama, better than that Greater Alabama Council, better than that Talakto District! Yah! we so rock!

Got my new glasses today, I can't believe how blind I was!
I need help any takers?
If President Obama would change two words in his speeches he would be telling some truth. The words are Some people, and there are a few out there to over half of the american people and a lot of you!
Source: Elena reporting from Washington D.C. at the March on Washington on September 12, 2009. A large crowd gathered at Freedom Plaza and marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the US Capitol. Time lapse ...
Source: to 2 million people march on Washington D.C Tea Party protest rally September 12 2009 9 12 09 Thanks Glenn Beck 9-12 project Freedom Plaza Saturday crowd More
September 14 at 2:02pm · · Like / Unlike · View Feedback (1)Hide Feedback (1) · Share
Wish I were there
Source: www.freedomworks.orgYesterday was a historic day for freedom. But if you watch television news, or read the newspapers, you wouldn’t know it. Only C-SPAN really captured the event, with their live broadcast from the West Front of the Capitol Building. ...
Rain with out thunder and lightening is just rain, you know like doing house work with out music. It kinda takes the sugar out that helps the medicine go down.
I did service today, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, I didn't save a tree, forest, or the swamp. I didn't ride public transportation, or pick up litter out in public where someone could see me. It was just the normal every day ...stuff, in hopes that some day it will make the difference of a boy, yup that's right a human, a Child of God. So humm call it what you will, me I just call it a way of life,
can't wait for my new! (forgot to add glasses)
Had a choice of three meeting to attend last night, after eating cookie dough, and cookies, I think I should have gone to the weight loss class.
President Obama's speech is good, but over all it reminds me of the story about the Indian boy on a hike and a snake talks him into picking him up and taking him to a warmer place and then gets bit, The boy asks the snake why, and the snake ...says I am a snake I can't help who I am. So I would still Judge him by his policies here and now and 5 year ago. and the people he surrounds himself with.
Love the rain. love the thunder lightening amazing. Watch out Beauty Andrew said he say two direct strikes to the top of you mtn.
Now that I am listening it almost sounds like he (President Obama)is saying we all have equal opportunity not equal out come....
Ben in Juniper with his cousin Dillian

The speech not a big deal, I hope the ones that really need it are really listening. The big deal before had, well the work sheets and original plan for starters. and the big deal made a difference in the out come. and then I am going to stand by my ...gut, President Obama said judge be by those who I surround myself with. That alone can cause some question on what he would say to the kids.
Somebody needs to tell that boy (Ben) where his home is! We sure miss him! You all need to stay vigilant, and follow the different forms of health care bill that will be presented over the next week or so. It is a lot of work. but it is our life our future our AMERICA we need to watch out for.
when a person—president or otherwise—spurns our desires and he and his top advisors wildly misspend our money, mitigate our liberties, urinate on our values, and call us bad names, Nazis, terrorists, Astroturf and retards, well, said person and his p......als will not only fail to receive our respect or votes, but they have forfeited the privilege of addressing our kids—or our dogs for matter. Doug Giles (
I am also grateful for my country and wouldn't want to live anywhere else, That is why I choose to stand and fight for the constitution, and American Liberty
When I first heard about how Obama was going to use our children as ammo against us as Parents, I was very upset and my first response was to keep them home. Not because he was speaking to our children but because of all the lesson plans and intent to educate them according to his plan that has stirred up our great nation.
After sleeping on it, I thought well his speech could be used against him if we as parents properly educate our children with how our Government should work, and what liberties and rights we have that is so beautifuly laid out in the constutition. And then show them how they are not only being stripped away but the burden of debt that is being placed upon them becaue of unwise decision of our leaders past and present.
After reading other blogs on this same subject here is my view.
I do believe it is our responsibility to let our leaders know what we don't agree with. They are elected to protect
our liberties and our rights, which in turn protects our religion which in turn protects our Families. Our leaders are an extension of us the people of the United States of America. When issues or problems
are brought to the table they should first run it past the constitution and see what they have the authority to do. Our leaders should meet together and debate and communicate, for our best interests and the interests of those that put them into office. Whether it is for the good for the people or not. For our current leaders it seems to be all a game and When someone who is as Power hungry as Obama doesn't get his way he has to go one step further, one
step closer to a society that I don't want. Bottom line based on the lesson plans from the Dept of Education I have heard of, this speech has the potential to be far more than a motivational speech from our president and seems to be a speech to convince our kids to support policies and social goals that I do not agree with. When the final
speech text is released on Monday, Chad & I will read and discuss it. For now we plan to send our children to school and have them watch it and then use family home evening to talk about it as a family. Whether or not you allow your kids to watch the speech is your own choice, you can make it into a family home evening and pull your family closer
together, and talk about how to respectfullly make a stand as to what is right. So bottom line, take this opportunity as adults and let your elected leaders know how you feel. No mater how that may be.
Here in Alabama or maybe just as Harvest Elementary do not have the right as parents here to enter the school and observe anytime we want. It is at the discretion of both the teacher and the principal. That makes people more nervous when our president, whose office we respect, but most of whose policies and methods we don't, decides to directly address our children. I am grateful that the school is allowing parents to choose whether or not their children watch this speech, just because we should have the choice.
Fundamentally the constitution gives the federal government no power or authority to deal in any matter of education, other than the "promote the general welfare" clause, which I do not think extends to providing lesson plans etc.. It almost bothers me more that the Department of Education has prepared lesson plans centered around this
speech than that the speech is being given. Any other speech by a famous person, would be viewed by the teacher beforehand, who would then decide how to fit the speech into their curriculum, but not in this case. Education should be handled at the local and state level and not at the national level. Local and State governments know more
about what their citizens feel is appropriate education and they do have the authority over education, unlike the federal government.
It is critical that we remain not only educated in what our leaders are doing, but also be vocal as to whether or not we approve and especially WHY. Our education should lead us to an understanding as what our leaders are doing that right and what they are doing that is wrong / unconstitutional.
Now in closing I would like to paste something from another blog and then respond to it
A wise fictional character named Yoda once said, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
There once was a great Man who got angry and turned over some tables and chased out the money changers. Good anger is what produces the energy to fix the things that are wrong. Fear can lead to anger, but
so can a righteous understanding that our country is not being lead in a direction that we agree with. Think about it don't get pissed off and do something positive to change what is not right. We the People
of the United States of America..... "One Nation Under God!
(This post was in response to a post posted by my Aunt that I deleted cuz I was pissed off, She so misunderstands me and the whole Tea party movement it isn't about President Obama, it is about his policies that are striping away our basic American Liberties, leaving our children with so much debt they won't be able to survive, and the fact that they think the constitution is something to wipe your butt with!)
I am sorry that you truly believe this is all about work and responsibility and work. And when I home schooled my kids wrote lots of papers on things that I wanted them to learn, and really understand. I never have and never will use worksheets and paper writing as a brain washing technique. Now for respect. I respect the office of the President ... Read Moreof the United States of America, I have never said anything against him, or his family. I do not how ever agree with his policies, and his blatant disrespect for the constitution of America. The very document he should be defending, and using as a guide to his policies he backs for this nation.
We the people of the United States of America...... "One Nation Under God"
Source: Rogers' makes his opening statement on Health Care reform legislation that is under debate in Congress.
Source: Think Obama's supporters aren't driven by hatred of free markets, capitalism and low taxes? Well, well. Our Jason Mattera took to the streets of Northern, Virginia, all decked-out in his latest hippie outfit..., to observ Rep. Jim Moran's town hall meeting.
September 8th boycott public schools every where, Don't let Obama get to the kids. One of the first rules of running a socialistic society is to destroy the family. He is going to present his plan to the kids and turn them against their parentsh...ttp://
Good stress relief as out constitution fades further out of the view of our President and his court or goones!
Source: more of Tim's videos at
I finally got it! I understand the emergency of our President. They need to have the civilian army built before elections to they can help the democrats get reelected. They needed the stimulus so they had money. I am sure there is something in Health... Care and Cap and Trade to aid in this process too.
This is going to be a super crazy week. Hope I can hold it all together.
The dude is in the ground not lets raise up the flags and get on with life! (referring to Teddy Kennedy sounds good for Michael Jackson too)
Doing face book with a new notebook, while watching Glenn Beck wow now I can mulit task being lazy!
I miss Ben, I think it is time for him to come home!
...Picture adults acting like kids on their way to earning a 'Ph.D' set of life skills that go well beyond Scouting
Bonnie Allred of Pack 60, working last spring on her Wood Badge Photos special to the Tribune by Beverly Durham
Essentially, Boy Scouting is for, well, boys. But when it comes to top-level leadership training, Scouting is for grown-ups who act like boys.
It's called Wood Badge, and it's provided training for tens of thousands of Scout leaders since its inception in 1919. To earn the badge takes at least 18 months including all of the paperwork to complete one's "ticket."
Leading the upcoming Wood Badge course for troops in the 22 counties of the Greater Alabama Council is grown-up/boy Ken "Butch" Durham of Arab.
As the Wood Badge course director, he says he's "scoutmaster" for a staff of 28 adults, including four who function as group leaders for the expected 48 adult participants who'll undergo the training course.
He describes the Wood Badge as the Ph.D of Scouting.
"It's equivalent to industrial leadership training," Durham says. "A lot of people say it's better than what their companies pay beau coups dollars for."
Wood Badge is open to any Cub, Boy and Venture Scout leader who is trained in his or her position as, say, an assistant scoutmaster.
The actual sessions with participants will be held over two long weekends in October. Forty-two of the 48 Wood Badge slots have been reserved, and Durham expects the others to fill.
The cost is $195, most of which goes back into the training, food and the scarves, beads and other accessories recipients receive upon completion.
At this point, Durham is leading staff development, training, as it were, for the trainers. These sessions are being done over three weekends at Camp Comer, near Mentone, and the third and final one will be held in September.
Ashley Nelson of Arab, lower left, and Karen Fowler of Anniston act like adults -sort of - during the same course at Camp Comer
"Everybody will have a presentation - the quartermaster staff, food service staff, the troop guides who will work directly with the participants," Durham says. "All will give presentations."
The October sessions with participants also will be held at Camp Comer. The first one will be classroom-orientated and is where the staff will make their presentations.
Then comes the weekend of camping.
Participants will be acting like 10-1/2- and 11-year-olds, providing the staff with adolescent and beginning Boy Scout challenges. In the process of acting like youngsters, participants will see in action the teamwork, conflict management and other presentations they were exposed to previously in a classroom setting, Durham says.
As a mild example, participants might show up for the campout pulling their gear in a little red wagon or toting a heavy cot instead of a sleeping bag. They'll be encouraged to create personal and relationship situations such as one might find among a group of kids and young Scouts.
"Anything you can image kids doing in woods," Durham says. "It takes very little encouragement to get them to do these things. Some of these adults are very good at acting like kids.
"The second weekend should be pretty interesting," he continues. "We want them to understand where a kid is coming from, plus look at the situation from an adult standpoint."
Along with his wife, Beverly, who is a member of his staff for the upcoming sessions, Durham earned his Wood Badge in 1998. Their three sons - Daniel, David and Aaron - all earned Eagle Scout ranks with Troop 60.
He's been involved as a staffer with nine previous Wood Badge sessions and considers it an honor to have been approved by the council to lead this one.
"It's an honor and weighty responsibility," he says. "I want to be sure folks get their money's worth from the course. It's not just another day, another walk through the park."
But it's something Durham obviously believes in. While the adults might act like kids some during the course, in the end, if they use what they learn, they are better adults for it.
"The big thing for me with Wood Badge is that it's not just Scout training," he says. "It's life skills. It's for home, work, everywhere."
“Future happiness and even the future of nations is linked to children. Families with children need to be re-enthroned as the fundamental unit of society. We simply must value children more than we do.”
The World Congress of Families is an international network of national, ethnic, cultural and religious communities that defend, affirm and promote the vital role of the family in society. World Congress V convened over a three-day period.
The Church has long advocated strong families and in 1995 issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” which states in part: “The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.”
Wendy Watson Nelson, Ph.D., wife of Elder Nelson, also spoke at the gathering about the need for families to have increased spiritual strength. “We need families who look to God and who remove anything from their lives that is spiritually corrupting,” she said. “Families who are spiritually strong are the only hope for the future of our nations.”
Also speaking at the conference was Sheri L. Dew, who formerly served as a counselor in the Church’s general Relief Society presidency. Dew said: “A virtuous life is an easier, more fulfilling life. And it is one of the most powerful keys to strengthening families and therefore to strengthening our world.”
Yup. I miss Ben I want him to come home!
Everyone should read "The 5000 Year Leap" We are a Christian Nation. It is a fact we are One Nation Under God! with God given rights, so you can believe and worship as you wish.
Check out Constitution Seminar "making of America" Do you want to attend
The President wants what is best for America despite what the American People say.
Did you know that it was a 1% tax from England that upset the early settlers to protest, define us as an interdependent nation, and fight the revolutionary war, and create the Constitution of the United States of America, and define our country as a ...Republic. So now what is it going to take for us to stand up and preserve the nation & constitution that was so wisely,created for us.
Ben on top of an old utility pole in Juniper with his Uncle Ben
2 years later, honored by random acts of service! In Memory of Ruth Nick & Audrey
You want to hear about them. (random acts of service)I have a hard time ratting myself out. It hit me the hardest when I mailed out the blanket, and wrote the date, that was yesterday, The poor postman thought I was loosing it. then he wanted me to put a price on the blanket. He wouldn't accept priceless.
I love what I do, I just need to remember that, and focus on that.
Micro organizers, & control freaks are people who can't trust others because they can't trust themselves, and are usually dishonest themselves. Don't you wish you could interview your boss and check out his or her back ground before jumping on board.
dropped my oldest of for the first day of High School! I must be really really old now to have a high schooler for a kid!
On the way home from Boise I stopped by a few historical or scenic view points Malad River Gorge, and Twin Falls and Shoshone Falls. Oh we had lunch with Mike & Michelle too. Great Day!
Ever heard of a poor man hiring anyone to work for him? No! Companies need to make a profit to continue to grow and hire new people. Then they have to advertise, up grade and come up with new products, and cheaper ways of doing business.
We went to Cedar Fort to check out the newly placed headstones on my the Weaver's graves.
And Hike to the Water tower again in good shoes. Nope still don't get it, and I'm not gonna try again!
WAKE-UP everyone! It isn't about Democrats, or Republican, it is about the CONSTITUTION & GOD given AMERICAN LIBERTY!!!
Basically, in short, when the government takes money to help out the private sector, it causes problems in other areas that are sometimes not obviously connected. That can cause surplus in goods that were not really needed, and can cause shortages in other areas, then the government has to take more money (bottomless pit so they think) to fix that ... Read Moreproblem. When things are left to the private sector, things will work out, and will be more fair. Most of what we call free market today has a lot of government interference and regulation. I can't go to my neighbor and take money to keep my business going, that would be robbery, but the government can reach in and do that very thing, and call it good. Private sector can not compete fairly with government and huge bottomless pockets.
I knew I could and I did it. I also handed out 90 copies of the constitution to day at t town hall meeting on the Health Care Bill. I even handed one to Parker when he started saying things that were unconstitutional just as a reminder.
fun detour on our way to Idaho
Thank you Debbie and Family we had tons of fun
Damn Mary you just don't win. I sure do love my kids. So Ann & Marie when we gonna go out
So Brandt when you want to go out and get drunk? Mary no comment there.
Yup I love my Ben True Blue helps me all the way
There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home My eyes are dim I cannot see I guess it is time for bed.
The guy was just here this morning and replaced the sensor again for the 4th time, only this time, My Washing machine still doesn't work! So they put us down to replace the washing maching but that is 7 to 10 days out!
"Free cheese is only found in mousetraps." -- Russian proverb
I love my bed, I love my house, I love my bathroom, I love my toilet! Damn it is good to be home!
Great day, Great Family!
My car alarm is louder than Beth's but hers puts on a better light show!
Currently in Boise Idaho, headed back to Juniper tomorrow. Pick up Chad Wednesday !!! Family Reunion Friday & Saturday, Kathy's on Monday then headed home Tuesday & Wednesday!
People contact your congress people and say NO on socialized health care!
Read the Constitution!
Wishing I were in Huntsville today! So I could be with the Phil Williams team!
Having fun doing nothing! life is soooo good!
Made it to Idaho, I voted before I left. So now all the rest of you go vote!!!!
Leaving for Idaho, tomorrow, a day late, but better prepared! and less stressed. One day made a huge difference!
Fun night at Huntsville Tea Party!
Had to sit here and baby load#3
Reading about LG washing machines. found a shop manual..... hummmmmmm
Well it appears the washer is still not 100% but is is sort of working again. the original problem still isn't fixed. (This started back in April)
good news sort of, didn't have to order parts for my washing machine. but he wasn't sure exactly what was wrong. replaced another sensor, and cleaned things out. It is quiet. Now for the test. Time to do a load of laundry.........
My washing machine is still broken, the guy said he would be here before noon. I now have 3 WEEKS of laundry to do, I leave for Idaho Monday Morning! I think it is time to start packing dirty laundry for a smelly trip! Mom hope your washer is working
Just got back from Comer BSA camp. I like it a whole lot better when it is warm and green!
Here's my take on it. There are some law of nature, or laws of God that are there and just can't be changed. So when people don't want to believe of follow those laws then need to feel justified, and in order to feel justified they nee...d support, and then need to make a loud noise. When quite simply and quietly, there are some laws of nature that just can't be broken. No matter how loud, cunning, or outrageous you may be.
Face book still amazes me!
Les Phillip 2010!
I have always been a support of Mo Brooks, but I really feel like it is time for new blood. New blood for conservatism, common sense, honest, and someone who isn't use to the same old game in politics. We need someone with a clean look who can f...ace the new challenges in Washington, and down size dc. Les Philip is a supporter of down size dc, and believes in the basic constitution conservatism, common sense. and is someone I can vote for
John Thune I am privileged to have been elected Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) today by my GOP colleagues. I will continue to work hard to articulate an alternative to the poor policy decisions being made by the majority wh...ile focusing on the need for reducing our unprecedented national debt.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!
Sarah completed the quiz "What Plastic Army Man Are You?" with the result Bazooka Guy!.Blunt and forceful. Blatant and to the point. You get stuff done, and you get it done in a hurry..Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGary
Tired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result is
GIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
I agree with you, if you are agreeing with me. ;)
Tis the season! Happy Cub Scout Day Camp everyone everywhere!
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
I know that is ideal, but that ain't real!Sarah took the How much should you weigh? quiz and got the result: 115 lbs.
Going to see Glenn Beck tonight. Hollywood 18 on the south pky! Happy late birthday to me! Thank you Chad!
Thanks everyone, I have had a wonderful Birthday! I love you all sooooo much!
The week has just began but I am already out of time.
If I only had
a brain...... Lacking self confidence hu go figure. Guess I need to work on that one.
Which Wizard of Oz Character are You?" with the result Scarecrow. I usually stay clear away from things like this, But tomorrow I will be here. look for me if you are there too.
Hey there Delilah, what’s it like at BYU? I’m just a quarter mile away, but feel so far away from you, But that will do, Cuz two years from now I’ll be with you, I know that’s true. Hey there Delilah, don’t you worry about the distance, Few more mon...ths...

Here's your chance to let the media know where the people stand on our faith in God, as a nation..
NBC is presently taking a poll on "In God We Trust" to stay on our American currency.
Please do it right away, before NBC takes this off their web page. Poll is still open so you can vote:
Ben is coming home November 3rd
He has been in Juniper with his Grandparents and Uncle Ben doing Harvest. Since July.Your Result
Is: Summer Personally I like personally Spring is better.
"It is hardly too strong to say that the constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well bu they meand to govern. They proemise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. Daniel Webster
Ben woke up with snow this morning. Glad it is in Idaho and not here
Yikes, Huge earth quake!

My friends on Facebook:
Gender breakdown: 59% female / 41% male
Relationship status: 57% single / 43% taken
Political breakdown: 6% democrats / 94% republicans
Geographic distribution: 5 countries, 16 states
Most common zodiac sign: Leo (41 friends)
a church function or at BYU. You don't say butt, you say bum and you can't even say that without giggling a little..
Wow off just a bit. I met my husband for the first time at Philmont Scout Camp. I do say butt, and Danm and Hell. Never been president. not even in Beehives, Miamaids, or Laureals. No I don't attend every church function. I usually just forget. But I do consider myself to be 100 % LDS
Truth is clear, like crystal clear water, it also feel like crystal clear water. Anything else clouds the water to cause confusion for ones one personal agenda what ever that may be. 1Thesalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
you have the power to read people like an open book, to see into their souls and to know their intentions
kinda scary when the weather is the most trusted news source, and for me the only reason I actually watch the news every now and then
"Boy Scouts was green before it was cool" or Before it was blown out of proportion and used as a means to increase government spending and increased taxes
(Andrew)He is home, sore, but doing fine!
(Andrew)He is goofy and doing fine
surgery is done and (Andrew) he is in recovery dr says all is fine
Andrew's in surgery
We are all in this together, ya so we share the earth at the same time, and we are friends, but there is nothing like good old fashioned competition from WE the Pe
Showing this is schools, one chapter at a time, so they can really talk about how horrible we all are. one of my favorites was w
hen they start talking bout original trees, duh they regrow, any original founding fathers around? It took her 10 years to find the messed up facts to go with what she wanted to teach!
1 scout, 4 leaders & their families, missing 6 scouts Rain Gutter Regatta baby girl got glasses, and we got the 5000 year
leap books in today, anyone want to buy one?
The book is about the 28 principals that the founding fathers used to write the constitution. It is loaded with quotes from them, and why this constitution is a constitution that will last forever.
the list, 6:00, leve,l sawhorses, wood, hose, plyers, glue gun, glue, coins, staple gun, staples, sissors, extention coard, lap top, blackberry toping, pineapple peach topoing. do you know what I am doing tonight? Christine you can't anwser. Chad you too.
That is it Rain gutter regatta, the wood goes under the rain gutters, the wood goes on the saw horses, they are adjustable to we can make them level on our parking lot on a hill.
everyone wants something.
Sarah Campbell Capps Talakto District Fishing Rodeo 2009
Find those yellow rain boots put on a happy face, embrace curly hair and be happy! I am thankful for the rain!
Fishing rodeo done, time to clean house!
Yesterday was awaesome! but today I have a headache from HELL! And there is still soo much to do!!
My big big big goal is to write a belt loop & pin and merit badge.
Sarah Campbell Capps The one the only new scouting for blood patch only available in Alabama, better than that Greater Alabama Council, better than that Talakto District! Yah! we so rock!
Got my new glasses today, I can't believe how blind I was!
I need help any takers?
If President Obama would change two words in his speeches he would be telling some truth. The words are Some people, and there are a few out there to over half of the american people and a lot of you!
Wish I were there
Rain with out thunder and lightening is just rain, you know like doing house work with out music. It kinda takes the sugar out that helps the medicine go down.
I did service today, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, I didn't save a tree, forest, or the swamp. I didn't ride public transportation, or pick up litter out in public where someone could see me. It was just the normal every day ...stuff, in hopes that some day it will make the difference of a boy, yup that's right a human, a Child of God. So humm call it what you will, me I just call it a way of life,
can't wait for my new! (forgot to add glasses)
Had a choice of three meeting to attend last night, after eating cookie dough, and cookies, I think I should have gone to the weight loss class.
President Obama's speech is good, but over all it reminds me of the story about the Indian boy on a hike and a snake talks him into picking him up and taking him to a warmer place and then gets bit, The boy asks the snake why, and the snake ...says I am a snake I can't help who I am. So I would still Judge him by his policies here and now and 5 year ago. and the people he surrounds himself with.
Love the rain. love the thunder lightening amazing. Watch out Beauty Andrew said he say two direct strikes to the top of you mtn.
Now that I am listening it almost sounds like he (President Obama)is saying we all have equal opportunity not equal out come....
Ben in Juniper with his cousin Dillian

The speech not a big deal, I hope the ones that really need it are really listening. The big deal before had, well the work sheets and original plan for starters. and the big deal made a difference in the out come. and then I am going to stand by my ...gut, President Obama said judge be by those who I surround myself with. That alone can cause some question on what he would say to the kids.
Somebody needs to tell that boy (Ben) where his home is! We sure miss him! You all need to stay vigilant, and follow the different forms of health care bill that will be presented over the next week or so. It is a lot of work. but it is our life our future our AMERICA we need to watch out for.
when a person—president or otherwise—spurns our desires and he and his top advisors wildly misspend our money, mitigate our liberties, urinate on our values, and call us bad names, Nazis, terrorists, Astroturf and retards, well, said person and his p......als will not only fail to receive our respect or votes, but they have forfeited the privilege of addressing our kids—or our dogs for matter. Doug Giles (
I am also grateful for my country and wouldn't want to live anywhere else, That is why I choose to stand and fight for the constitution, and American Liberty
When I first heard about how Obama was going to use our children as ammo against us as Parents, I was very upset and my first response was to keep them home. Not because he was speaking to our children but because of all the lesson plans and intent to educate them according to his plan that has stirred up our great nation.
After sleeping on it, I thought well his speech could be used against him if we as parents properly educate our children with how our Government should work, and what liberties and rights we have that is so beautifuly laid out in the constutition. And then show them how they are not only being stripped away but the burden of debt that is being placed upon them becaue of unwise decision of our leaders past and present.
After reading other blogs on this same subject here is my view.
I do believe it is our responsibility to let our leaders know what we don't agree with. They are elected to protect
our liberties and our rights, which in turn protects our religion which in turn protects our Families. Our leaders are an extension of us the people of the United States of America. When issues or problems
are brought to the table they should first run it past the constitution and see what they have the authority to do. Our leaders should meet together and debate and communicate, for our best interests and the interests of those that put them into office. Whether it is for the good for the people or not. For our current leaders it seems to be all a game and When someone who is as Power hungry as Obama doesn't get his way he has to go one step further, one
step closer to a society that I don't want. Bottom line based on the lesson plans from the Dept of Education I have heard of, this speech has the potential to be far more than a motivational speech from our president and seems to be a speech to convince our kids to support policies and social goals that I do not agree with. When the final
speech text is released on Monday, Chad & I will read and discuss it. For now we plan to send our children to school and have them watch it and then use family home evening to talk about it as a family. Whether or not you allow your kids to watch the speech is your own choice, you can make it into a family home evening and pull your family closer
together, and talk about how to respectfullly make a stand as to what is right. So bottom line, take this opportunity as adults and let your elected leaders know how you feel. No mater how that may be.
Here in Alabama or maybe just as Harvest Elementary do not have the right as parents here to enter the school and observe anytime we want. It is at the discretion of both the teacher and the principal. That makes people more nervous when our president, whose office we respect, but most of whose policies and methods we don't, decides to directly address our children. I am grateful that the school is allowing parents to choose whether or not their children watch this speech, just because we should have the choice.
Fundamentally the constitution gives the federal government no power or authority to deal in any matter of education, other than the "promote the general welfare" clause, which I do not think extends to providing lesson plans etc.. It almost bothers me more that the Department of Education has prepared lesson plans centered around this
speech than that the speech is being given. Any other speech by a famous person, would be viewed by the teacher beforehand, who would then decide how to fit the speech into their curriculum, but not in this case. Education should be handled at the local and state level and not at the national level. Local and State governments know more
about what their citizens feel is appropriate education and they do have the authority over education, unlike the federal government.
It is critical that we remain not only educated in what our leaders are doing, but also be vocal as to whether or not we approve and especially WHY. Our education should lead us to an understanding as what our leaders are doing that right and what they are doing that is wrong / unconstitutional.
Now in closing I would like to paste something from another blog and then respond to it
A wise fictional character named Yoda once said, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
There once was a great Man who got angry and turned over some tables and chased out the money changers. Good anger is what produces the energy to fix the things that are wrong. Fear can lead to anger, but
so can a righteous understanding that our country is not being lead in a direction that we agree with. Think about it don't get pissed off and do something positive to change what is not right. We the People
of the United States of America..... "One Nation Under God!
(This post was in response to a post posted by my Aunt that I deleted cuz I was pissed off, She so misunderstands me and the whole Tea party movement it isn't about President Obama, it is about his policies that are striping away our basic American Liberties, leaving our children with so much debt they won't be able to survive, and the fact that they think the constitution is something to wipe your butt with!)
I am sorry that you truly believe this is all about work and responsibility and work. And when I home schooled my kids wrote lots of papers on things that I wanted them to learn, and really understand. I never have and never will use worksheets and paper writing as a brain washing technique. Now for respect. I respect the office of the President ... Read Moreof the United States of America, I have never said anything against him, or his family. I do not how ever agree with his policies, and his blatant disrespect for the constitution of America. The very document he should be defending, and using as a guide to his policies he backs for this nation.
We the people of the United States of America...... "One Nation Under God"
Source: Rogers' makes his opening statement on Health Care reform legislation that is under debate in Congress.
Source: Think Obama's supporters aren't driven by hatred of free markets, capitalism and low taxes? Well, well. Our Jason Mattera took to the streets of Northern, Virginia, all decked-out in his latest hippie outfit..., to observ Rep. Jim Moran's town hall meeting.
September 8th boycott public schools every where, Don't let Obama get to the kids. One of the first rules of running a socialistic society is to destroy the family. He is going to present his plan to the kids and turn them against their parentsh...ttp://
Good stress relief as out constitution fades further out of the view of our President and his court or goones!
Source: more of Tim's videos at
I finally got it! I understand the emergency of our President. They need to have the civilian army built before elections to they can help the democrats get reelected. They needed the stimulus so they had money. I am sure there is something in Health... Care and Cap and Trade to aid in this process too.
This is going to be a super crazy week. Hope I can hold it all together.
The dude is in the ground not lets raise up the flags and get on with life! (referring to Teddy Kennedy sounds good for Michael Jackson too)
Doing face book with a new notebook, while watching Glenn Beck wow now I can mulit task being lazy!
I miss Ben, I think it is time for him to come home!
...Picture adults acting like kids on their way to earning a 'Ph.D' set of life skills that go well beyond Scouting
Bonnie Allred of Pack 60, working last spring on her Wood Badge Photos special to the Tribune by Beverly Durham
Essentially, Boy Scouting is for, well, boys. But when it comes to top-level leadership training, Scouting is for grown-ups who act like boys.
It's called Wood Badge, and it's provided training for tens of thousands of Scout leaders since its inception in 1919. To earn the badge takes at least 18 months including all of the paperwork to complete one's "ticket."
Leading the upcoming Wood Badge course for troops in the 22 counties of the Greater Alabama Council is grown-up/boy Ken "Butch" Durham of Arab.
As the Wood Badge course director, he says he's "scoutmaster" for a staff of 28 adults, including four who function as group leaders for the expected 48 adult participants who'll undergo the training course.
He describes the Wood Badge as the Ph.D of Scouting.
"It's equivalent to industrial leadership training," Durham says. "A lot of people say it's better than what their companies pay beau coups dollars for."
Wood Badge is open to any Cub, Boy and Venture Scout leader who is trained in his or her position as, say, an assistant scoutmaster.
The actual sessions with participants will be held over two long weekends in October. Forty-two of the 48 Wood Badge slots have been reserved, and Durham expects the others to fill.
The cost is $195, most of which goes back into the training, food and the scarves, beads and other accessories recipients receive upon completion.
At this point, Durham is leading staff development, training, as it were, for the trainers. These sessions are being done over three weekends at Camp Comer, near Mentone, and the third and final one will be held in September.
Ashley Nelson of Arab, lower left, and Karen Fowler of Anniston act like adults -sort of - during the same course at Camp Comer
"Everybody will have a presentation - the quartermaster staff, food service staff, the troop guides who will work directly with the participants," Durham says. "All will give presentations."
The October sessions with participants also will be held at Camp Comer. The first one will be classroom-orientated and is where the staff will make their presentations.
Then comes the weekend of camping.
Participants will be acting like 10-1/2- and 11-year-olds, providing the staff with adolescent and beginning Boy Scout challenges. In the process of acting like youngsters, participants will see in action the teamwork, conflict management and other presentations they were exposed to previously in a classroom setting, Durham says.
As a mild example, participants might show up for the campout pulling their gear in a little red wagon or toting a heavy cot instead of a sleeping bag. They'll be encouraged to create personal and relationship situations such as one might find among a group of kids and young Scouts.
"Anything you can image kids doing in woods," Durham says. "It takes very little encouragement to get them to do these things. Some of these adults are very good at acting like kids.
"The second weekend should be pretty interesting," he continues. "We want them to understand where a kid is coming from, plus look at the situation from an adult standpoint."
Along with his wife, Beverly, who is a member of his staff for the upcoming sessions, Durham earned his Wood Badge in 1998. Their three sons - Daniel, David and Aaron - all earned Eagle Scout ranks with Troop 60.
He's been involved as a staffer with nine previous Wood Badge sessions and considers it an honor to have been approved by the council to lead this one.
"It's an honor and weighty responsibility," he says. "I want to be sure folks get their money's worth from the course. It's not just another day, another walk through the park."
But it's something Durham obviously believes in. While the adults might act like kids some during the course, in the end, if they use what they learn, they are better adults for it.
"The big thing for me with Wood Badge is that it's not just Scout training," he says. "It's life skills. It's for home, work, everywhere."
“Future happiness and even the future of nations is linked to children. Families with children need to be re-enthroned as the fundamental unit of society. We simply must value children more than we do.”
The World Congress of Families is an international network of national, ethnic, cultural and religious communities that defend, affirm and promote the vital role of the family in society. World Congress V convened over a three-day period.
The Church has long advocated strong families and in 1995 issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” which states in part: “The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.”
Wendy Watson Nelson, Ph.D., wife of Elder Nelson, also spoke at the gathering about the need for families to have increased spiritual strength. “We need families who look to God and who remove anything from their lives that is spiritually corrupting,” she said. “Families who are spiritually strong are the only hope for the future of our nations.”
Also speaking at the conference was Sheri L. Dew, who formerly served as a counselor in the Church’s general Relief Society presidency. Dew said: “A virtuous life is an easier, more fulfilling life. And it is one of the most powerful keys to strengthening families and therefore to strengthening our world.”
Yup. I miss Ben I want him to come home!
Everyone should read "The 5000 Year Leap" We are a Christian Nation. It is a fact we are One Nation Under God! with God given rights, so you can believe and worship as you wish.
Check out Constitution Seminar "making of America" Do you want to attend
The President wants what is best for America despite what the American People say.
Did you know that it was a 1% tax from England that upset the early settlers to protest, define us as an interdependent nation, and fight the revolutionary war, and create the Constitution of the United States of America, and define our country as a ...Republic. So now what is it going to take for us to stand up and preserve the nation & constitution that was so wisely,created for us.
Ben on top of an old utility pole in Juniper with his Uncle Ben
2 years later, honored by random acts of service! In Memory of Ruth Nick & Audrey
You want to hear about them. (random acts of service)I have a hard time ratting myself out. It hit me the hardest when I mailed out the blanket, and wrote the date, that was yesterday, The poor postman thought I was loosing it. then he wanted me to put a price on the blanket. He wouldn't accept priceless.
I love what I do, I just need to remember that, and focus on that.
Micro organizers, & control freaks are people who can't trust others because they can't trust themselves, and are usually dishonest themselves. Don't you wish you could interview your boss and check out his or her back ground before jumping on board.
dropped my oldest of for the first day of High School! I must be really really old now to have a high schooler for a kid!
On the way home from Boise I stopped by a few historical or scenic view points Malad River Gorge, and Twin Falls and Shoshone Falls. Oh we had lunch with Mike & Michelle too. Great Day!
Ever heard of a poor man hiring anyone to work for him? No! Companies need to make a profit to continue to grow and hire new people. Then they have to advertise, up grade and come up with new products, and cheaper ways of doing business.
We went to Cedar Fort to check out the newly placed headstones on my the Weaver's graves.
And Hike to the Water tower again in good shoes. Nope still don't get it, and I'm not gonna try again!
WAKE-UP everyone! It isn't about Democrats, or Republican, it is about the CONSTITUTION & GOD given AMERICAN LIBERTY!!!
Basically, in short, when the government takes money to help out the private sector, it causes problems in other areas that are sometimes not obviously connected. That can cause surplus in goods that were not really needed, and can cause shortages in other areas, then the government has to take more money (bottomless pit so they think) to fix that ... Read Moreproblem. When things are left to the private sector, things will work out, and will be more fair. Most of what we call free market today has a lot of government interference and regulation. I can't go to my neighbor and take money to keep my business going, that would be robbery, but the government can reach in and do that very thing, and call it good. Private sector can not compete fairly with government and huge bottomless pockets.
I knew I could and I did it. I also handed out 90 copies of the constitution to day at t town hall meeting on the Health Care Bill. I even handed one to Parker when he started saying things that were unconstitutional just as a reminder.
fun detour on our way to Idaho
Thank you Debbie and Family we had tons of fun
Damn Mary you just don't win. I sure do love my kids. So Ann & Marie when we gonna go out
So Brandt when you want to go out and get drunk? Mary no comment there.
Yup I love my Ben True Blue helps me all the way
There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home My eyes are dim I cannot see I guess it is time for bed.
The guy was just here this morning and replaced the sensor again for the 4th time, only this time, My Washing machine still doesn't work! So they put us down to replace the washing maching but that is 7 to 10 days out!
"Free cheese is only found in mousetraps." -- Russian proverb
I love my bed, I love my house, I love my bathroom, I love my toilet! Damn it is good to be home!
Great day, Great Family!
My car alarm is louder than Beth's but hers puts on a better light show!
Currently in Boise Idaho, headed back to Juniper tomorrow. Pick up Chad Wednesday !!! Family Reunion Friday & Saturday, Kathy's on Monday then headed home Tuesday & Wednesday!
People contact your congress people and say NO on socialized health care!
Read the Constitution!
Wishing I were in Huntsville today! So I could be with the Phil Williams team!
Having fun doing nothing! life is soooo good!
Made it to Idaho, I voted before I left. So now all the rest of you go vote!!!!
Leaving for Idaho, tomorrow, a day late, but better prepared! and less stressed. One day made a huge difference!
Fun night at Huntsville Tea Party!
Had to sit here and baby load#3
Reading about LG washing machines. found a shop manual..... hummmmmmm
Well it appears the washer is still not 100% but is is sort of working again. the original problem still isn't fixed. (This started back in April)
good news sort of, didn't have to order parts for my washing machine. but he wasn't sure exactly what was wrong. replaced another sensor, and cleaned things out. It is quiet. Now for the test. Time to do a load of laundry.........
My washing machine is still broken, the guy said he would be here before noon. I now have 3 WEEKS of laundry to do, I leave for Idaho Monday Morning! I think it is time to start packing dirty laundry for a smelly trip! Mom hope your washer is working
Just got back from Comer BSA camp. I like it a whole lot better when it is warm and green!
Here's my take on it. There are some law of nature, or laws of God that are there and just can't be changed. So when people don't want to believe of follow those laws then need to feel justified, and in order to feel justified they nee...d support, and then need to make a loud noise. When quite simply and quietly, there are some laws of nature that just can't be broken. No matter how loud, cunning, or outrageous you may be.
Face book still amazes me!
Les Phillip 2010!
I have always been a support of Mo Brooks, but I really feel like it is time for new blood. New blood for conservatism, common sense, honest, and someone who isn't use to the same old game in politics. We need someone with a clean look who can f...ace the new challenges in Washington, and down size dc. Les Philip is a supporter of down size dc, and believes in the basic constitution conservatism, common sense. and is someone I can vote for
John Thune I am privileged to have been elected Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) today by my GOP colleagues. I will continue to work hard to articulate an alternative to the poor policy decisions being made by the majority wh...ile focusing on the need for reducing our unprecedented national debt.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!
Sarah completed the quiz "What Plastic Army Man Are You?" with the result Bazooka Guy!.Blunt and forceful. Blatant and to the point. You get stuff done, and you get it done in a hurry..Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGary
Tired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result is
GIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
I agree with you, if you are agreeing with me. ;)
Tis the season! Happy Cub Scout Day Camp everyone everywhere!
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
I know that is ideal, but that ain't real!Sarah took the How much should you weigh? quiz and got the result: 115 lbs.
Going to see Glenn Beck tonight. Hollywood 18 on the south pky! Happy late birthday to me! Thank you Chad!
Thanks everyone, I have had a wonderful Birthday! I love you all sooooo much!
The week has just began but I am already out of time.
can't wait for my new! (forgot to add glasses)
Had a choice of three meeting to attend last night, after eating cookie dough, and cookies, I think I should have gone to the weight loss class.
President Obama's speech is good, but over all it reminds me of the story about the Indian boy on a hike and a snake talks him into picking him up and taking him to a warmer place and then gets bit, The boy asks the snake why, and the snake ...says I am a snake I can't help who I am. So I would still Judge him by his policies here and now and 5 year ago. and the people he surrounds himself with.
Love the rain. love the thunder lightening amazing. Watch out Beauty Andrew said he say two direct strikes to the top of you mtn.
Now that I am listening it almost sounds like he (President Obama)is saying we all have equal opportunity not equal out come....
Ben in Juniper with his cousin Dillian
The speech not a big deal, I hope the ones that really need it are really listening. The big deal before had, well the work sheets and original plan for starters. and the big deal made a difference in the out come. and then I am going to stand by my ...gut, President Obama said judge be by those who I surround myself with. That alone can cause some question on what he would say to the kids.
Somebody needs to tell that boy (Ben) where his home is! We sure miss him! You all need to stay vigilant, and follow the different forms of health care bill that will be presented over the next week or so. It is a lot of work. but it is our life our future our AMERICA we need to watch out for.
when a person—president or otherwise—spurns our desires and he and his top advisors wildly misspend our money, mitigate our liberties, urinate on our values, and call us bad names, Nazis, terrorists, Astroturf and retards, well, said person and his p......als will not only fail to receive our respect or votes, but they have forfeited the privilege of addressing our kids—or our dogs for matter. Doug Giles (
I am also grateful for my country and wouldn't want to live anywhere else, That is why I choose to stand and fight for the constitution, and American Liberty
When I first heard about how Obama was going to use our children as ammo against us as Parents, I was very upset and my first response was to keep them home. Not because he was speaking to our children but because of all the lesson plans and intent to educate them according to his plan that has stirred up our great nation.
After sleeping on it, I thought well his speech could be used against him if we as parents properly educate our children with how our Government should work, and what liberties and rights we have that is so beautifuly laid out in the constutition. And then show them how they are not only being stripped away but the burden of debt that is being placed upon them becaue of unwise decision of our leaders past and present.
After reading other blogs on this same subject here is my view.
I do believe it is our responsibility to let our leaders know what we don't agree with. They are elected to protect
our liberties and our rights, which in turn protects our religion which in turn protects our Families. Our leaders are an extension of us the people of the United States of America. When issues or problems
are brought to the table they should first run it past the constitution and see what they have the authority to do. Our leaders should meet together and debate and communicate, for our best interests and the interests of those that put them into office. Whether it is for the good for the people or not. For our current leaders it seems to be all a game and When someone who is as Power hungry as Obama doesn't get his way he has to go one step further, one
step closer to a society that I don't want. Bottom line based on the lesson plans from the Dept of Education I have heard of, this speech has the potential to be far more than a motivational speech from our president and seems to be a speech to convince our kids to support policies and social goals that I do not agree with. When the final
speech text is released on Monday, Chad & I will read and discuss it. For now we plan to send our children to school and have them watch it and then use family home evening to talk about it as a family. Whether or not you allow your kids to watch the speech is your own choice, you can make it into a family home evening and pull your family closer
together, and talk about how to respectfullly make a stand as to what is right. So bottom line, take this opportunity as adults and let your elected leaders know how you feel. No mater how that may be.
Here in Alabama or maybe just as Harvest Elementary do not have the right as parents here to enter the school and observe anytime we want. It is at the discretion of both the teacher and the principal. That makes people more nervous when our president, whose office we respect, but most of whose policies and methods we don't, decides to directly address our children. I am grateful that the school is allowing parents to choose whether or not their children watch this speech, just because we should have the choice.
Fundamentally the constitution gives the federal government no power or authority to deal in any matter of education, other than the "promote the general welfare" clause, which I do not think extends to providing lesson plans etc.. It almost bothers me more that the Department of Education has prepared lesson plans centered around this
speech than that the speech is being given. Any other speech by a famous person, would be viewed by the teacher beforehand, who would then decide how to fit the speech into their curriculum, but not in this case. Education should be handled at the local and state level and not at the national level. Local and State governments know more
about what their citizens feel is appropriate education and they do have the authority over education, unlike the federal government.
It is critical that we remain not only educated in what our leaders are doing, but also be vocal as to whether or not we approve and especially WHY. Our education should lead us to an understanding as what our leaders are doing that right and what they are doing that is wrong / unconstitutional.
Now in closing I would like to paste something from another blog and then respond to it
A wise fictional character named Yoda once said, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
There once was a great Man who got angry and turned over some tables and chased out the money changers. Good anger is what produces the energy to fix the things that are wrong. Fear can lead to anger, but
so can a righteous understanding that our country is not being lead in a direction that we agree with. Think about it don't get pissed off and do something positive to change what is not right. We the People
of the United States of America..... "One Nation Under God!
(This post was in response to a post posted by my Aunt that I deleted cuz I was pissed off, She so misunderstands me and the whole Tea party movement it isn't about President Obama, it is about his policies that are striping away our basic American Liberties, leaving our children with so much debt they won't be able to survive, and the fact that they think the constitution is something to wipe your butt with!)
I am sorry that you truly believe this is all about work and responsibility and work. And when I home schooled my kids wrote lots of papers on things that I wanted them to learn, and really understand. I never have and never will use worksheets and paper writing as a brain washing technique. Now for respect. I respect the office of the President ... Read Moreof the United States of America, I have never said anything against him, or his family. I do not how ever agree with his policies, and his blatant disrespect for the constitution of America. The very document he should be defending, and using as a guide to his policies he backs for this nation.
We the people of the United States of America...... "One Nation Under God"
Source: Rogers' makes his opening statement on Health Care reform legislation that is under debate in Congress.
Source: Think Obama's supporters aren't driven by hatred of free markets, capitalism and low taxes? Well, well. Our Jason Mattera took to the streets of Northern, Virginia, all decked-out in his latest hippie outfit..., to observ Rep. Jim Moran's town hall meeting.
September 8th boycott public schools every where, Don't let Obama get to the kids. One of the first rules of running a socialistic society is to destroy the family. He is going to present his plan to the kids and turn them against their parentsh...ttp://
Good stress relief as out constitution fades further out of the view of our President and his court or goones!
Source: more of Tim's videos at
I finally got it! I understand the emergency of our President. They need to have the civilian army built before elections to they can help the democrats get reelected. They needed the stimulus so they had money. I am sure there is something in Health... Care and Cap and Trade to aid in this process too.
This is going to be a super crazy week. Hope I can hold it all together.
The dude is in the ground not lets raise up the flags and get on with life! (referring to Teddy Kennedy sounds good for Michael Jackson too)
Doing face book with a new notebook, while watching Glenn Beck wow now I can mulit task being lazy!
I miss Ben, I think it is time for him to come home!
...Picture adults acting like kids on their way to earning a 'Ph.D' set of life skills that go well beyond Scouting
Bonnie Allred of Pack 60, working last spring on her Wood Badge Photos special to the Tribune by Beverly Durham
Essentially, Boy Scouting is for, well, boys. But when it comes to top-level leadership training, Scouting is for grown-ups who act like boys.
It's called Wood Badge, and it's provided training for tens of thousands of Scout leaders since its inception in 1919. To earn the badge takes at least 18 months including all of the paperwork to complete one's "ticket."
Leading the upcoming Wood Badge course for troops in the 22 counties of the Greater Alabama Council is grown-up/boy Ken "Butch" Durham of Arab.
As the Wood Badge course director, he says he's "scoutmaster" for a staff of 28 adults, including four who function as group leaders for the expected 48 adult participants who'll undergo the training course.
He describes the Wood Badge as the Ph.D of Scouting.
"It's equivalent to industrial leadership training," Durham says. "A lot of people say it's better than what their companies pay beau coups dollars for."
Wood Badge is open to any Cub, Boy and Venture Scout leader who is trained in his or her position as, say, an assistant scoutmaster.
The actual sessions with participants will be held over two long weekends in October. Forty-two of the 48 Wood Badge slots have been reserved, and Durham expects the others to fill.
The cost is $195, most of which goes back into the training, food and the scarves, beads and other accessories recipients receive upon completion.
At this point, Durham is leading staff development, training, as it were, for the trainers. These sessions are being done over three weekends at Camp Comer, near Mentone, and the third and final one will be held in September.
Ashley Nelson of Arab, lower left, and Karen Fowler of Anniston act like adults -sort of - during the same course at Camp Comer
"Everybody will have a presentation - the quartermaster staff, food service staff, the troop guides who will work directly with the participants," Durham says. "All will give presentations."
The October sessions with participants also will be held at Camp Comer. The first one will be classroom-orientated and is where the staff will make their presentations.
Then comes the weekend of camping.
Participants will be acting like 10-1/2- and 11-year-olds, providing the staff with adolescent and beginning Boy Scout challenges. In the process of acting like youngsters, participants will see in action the teamwork, conflict management and other presentations they were exposed to previously in a classroom setting, Durham says.
As a mild example, participants might show up for the campout pulling their gear in a little red wagon or toting a heavy cot instead of a sleeping bag. They'll be encouraged to create personal and relationship situations such as one might find among a group of kids and young Scouts.
"Anything you can image kids doing in woods," Durham says. "It takes very little encouragement to get them to do these things. Some of these adults are very good at acting like kids.
"The second weekend should be pretty interesting," he continues. "We want them to understand where a kid is coming from, plus look at the situation from an adult standpoint."
Along with his wife, Beverly, who is a member of his staff for the upcoming sessions, Durham earned his Wood Badge in 1998. Their three sons - Daniel, David and Aaron - all earned Eagle Scout ranks with Troop 60.
He's been involved as a staffer with nine previous Wood Badge sessions and considers it an honor to have been approved by the council to lead this one.
"It's an honor and weighty responsibility," he says. "I want to be sure folks get their money's worth from the course. It's not just another day, another walk through the park."
But it's something Durham obviously believes in. While the adults might act like kids some during the course, in the end, if they use what they learn, they are better adults for it.
"The big thing for me with Wood Badge is that it's not just Scout training," he says. "It's life skills. It's for home, work, everywhere."
“Future happiness and even the future of nations is linked to children. Families with children need to be re-enthroned as the fundamental unit of society. We simply must value children more than we do.”
The World Congress of Families is an international network of national, ethnic, cultural and religious communities that defend, affirm and promote the vital role of the family in society. World Congress V convened over a three-day period.
The Church has long advocated strong families and in 1995 issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” which states in part: “The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.”
Wendy Watson Nelson, Ph.D., wife of Elder Nelson, also spoke at the gathering about the need for families to have increased spiritual strength. “We need families who look to God and who remove anything from their lives that is spiritually corrupting,” she said. “Families who are spiritually strong are the only hope for the future of our nations.”
Also speaking at the conference was Sheri L. Dew, who formerly served as a counselor in the Church’s general Relief Society presidency. Dew said: “A virtuous life is an easier, more fulfilling life. And it is one of the most powerful keys to strengthening families and therefore to strengthening our world.”
Yup. I miss Ben I want him to come home!
Everyone should read "The 5000 Year Leap" We are a Christian Nation. It is a fact we are One Nation Under God! with God given rights, so you can believe and worship as you wish.
Check out Constitution Seminar "making of America" Do you want to attend
The President wants what is best for America despite what the American People say.
Did you know that it was a 1% tax from England that upset the early settlers to protest, define us as an interdependent nation, and fight the revolutionary war, and create the Constitution of the United States of America, and define our country as a ...Republic. So now what is it going to take for us to stand up and preserve the nation & constitution that was so wisely,created for us.
Ben on top of an old utility pole in Juniper with his Uncle Ben
2 years later, honored by random acts of service! In Memory of Ruth Nick & Audrey
You want to hear about them. (random acts of service)I have a hard time ratting myself out. It hit me the hardest when I mailed out the blanket, and wrote the date, that was yesterday, The poor postman thought I was loosing it. then he wanted me to put a price on the blanket. He wouldn't accept priceless.
I love what I do, I just need to remember that, and focus on that.
Micro organizers, & control freaks are people who can't trust others because they can't trust themselves, and are usually dishonest themselves. Don't you wish you could interview your boss and check out his or her back ground before jumping on board.
dropped my oldest of for the first day of High School! I must be really really old now to have a high schooler for a kid!
On the way home from Boise I stopped by a few historical or scenic view points Malad River Gorge, and Twin Falls and Shoshone Falls. Oh we had lunch with Mike & Michelle too. Great Day!
Ever heard of a poor man hiring anyone to work for him? No! Companies need to make a profit to continue to grow and hire new people. Then they have to advertise, up grade and come up with new products, and cheaper ways of doing business.
We went to Cedar Fort to check out the newly placed headstones on my the Weaver's graves.
And Hike to the Water tower again in good shoes. Nope still don't get it, and I'm not gonna try again!
WAKE-UP everyone! It isn't about Democrats, or Republican, it is about the CONSTITUTION & GOD given AMERICAN LIBERTY!!!
Basically, in short, when the government takes money to help out the private sector, it causes problems in other areas that are sometimes not obviously connected. That can cause surplus in goods that were not really needed, and can cause shortages in other areas, then the government has to take more money (bottomless pit so they think) to fix that ... Read Moreproblem. When things are left to the private sector, things will work out, and will be more fair. Most of what we call free market today has a lot of government interference and regulation. I can't go to my neighbor and take money to keep my business going, that would be robbery, but the government can reach in and do that very thing, and call it good. Private sector can not compete fairly with government and huge bottomless pockets.
I knew I could and I did it. I also handed out 90 copies of the constitution to day at t town hall meeting on the Health Care Bill. I even handed one to Parker when he started saying things that were unconstitutional just as a reminder.
fun detour on our way to Idaho
Thank you Debbie and Family we had tons of fun
Damn Mary you just don't win. I sure do love my kids. So Ann & Marie when we gonna go out
So Brandt when you want to go out and get drunk? Mary no comment there.
Yup I love my Ben True Blue helps me all the way
There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home My eyes are dim I cannot see I guess it is time for bed.
The guy was just here this morning and replaced the sensor again for the 4th time, only this time, My Washing machine still doesn't work! So they put us down to replace the washing maching but that is 7 to 10 days out!
"Free cheese is only found in mousetraps." -- Russian proverb
I love my bed, I love my house, I love my bathroom, I love my toilet! Damn it is good to be home!
Great day, Great Family!
My car alarm is louder than Beth's but hers puts on a better light show!
Currently in Boise Idaho, headed back to Juniper tomorrow. Pick up Chad Wednesday !!! Family Reunion Friday & Saturday, Kathy's on Monday then headed home Tuesday & Wednesday!
People contact your congress people and say NO on socialized health care!
Read the Constitution!
Wishing I were in Huntsville today! So I could be with the Phil Williams team!
Having fun doing nothing! life is soooo good!
Made it to Idaho, I voted before I left. So now all the rest of you go vote!!!!
Leaving for Idaho, tomorrow, a day late, but better prepared! and less stressed. One day made a huge difference!
Fun night at Huntsville Tea Party!
Had to sit here and baby load#3
Reading about LG washing machines. found a shop manual..... hummmmmmm
Well it appears the washer is still not 100% but is is sort of working again. the original problem still isn't fixed. (This started back in April)
good news sort of, didn't have to order parts for my washing machine. but he wasn't sure exactly what was wrong. replaced another sensor, and cleaned things out. It is quiet. Now for the test. Time to do a load of laundry.........
My washing machine is still broken, the guy said he would be here before noon. I now have 3 WEEKS of laundry to do, I leave for Idaho Monday Morning! I think it is time to start packing dirty laundry for a smelly trip! Mom hope your washer is working
Just got back from Comer BSA camp. I like it a whole lot better when it is warm and green!
Here's my take on it. There are some law of nature, or laws of God that are there and just can't be changed. So when people don't want to believe of follow those laws then need to feel justified, and in order to feel justified they nee...d support, and then need to make a loud noise. When quite simply and quietly, there are some laws of nature that just can't be broken. No matter how loud, cunning, or outrageous you may be.
Face book still amazes me!
Les Phillip 2010!
I have always been a support of Mo Brooks, but I really feel like it is time for new blood. New blood for conservatism, common sense, honest, and someone who isn't use to the same old game in politics. We need someone with a clean look who can f...ace the new challenges in Washington, and down size dc. Les Philip is a supporter of down size dc, and believes in the basic constitution conservatism, common sense. and is someone I can vote for
John Thune I am privileged to have been elected Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) today by my GOP colleagues. I will continue to work hard to articulate an alternative to the poor policy decisions being made by the majority wh...ile focusing on the need for reducing our unprecedented national debt.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!
Sarah completed the quiz "What Plastic Army Man Are You?" with the result Bazooka Guy!.Blunt and forceful. Blatant and to the point. You get stuff done, and you get it done in a hurry..Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGary
Tired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result is
GIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
I agree with you, if you are agreeing with me. ;)
Tis the season! Happy Cub Scout Day Camp everyone everywhere!
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
I know that is ideal, but that ain't real!Sarah took the How much should you weigh? quiz and got the result: 115 lbs.
Going to see Glenn Beck tonight. Hollywood 18 on the south pky! Happy late birthday to me! Thank you Chad!
Thanks everyone, I have had a wonderful Birthday! I love you all sooooo much!
The week has just began but I am already out of time.
Somebody needs to tell that boy (Ben) where his home is! We sure miss him!
when a person—president or otherwise—spurns our desires and he and his top advisors wildly misspend our money, mitigate our liberties, urinate on our values, and call us bad names, Nazis, terrorists, Astroturf and retards, well, said person and his p......als will not only fail to receive our respect or votes, but they have forfeited the privilege of addressing our kids—or our dogs for matter. Doug Giles (
I am also grateful for my country and wouldn't want to live anywhere else, That is why I choose to stand and fight for the constitution, and American Liberty
When I first heard about how Obama was going to use our children as ammo against us as Parents, I was very upset and my first response was to keep them home. Not because he was speaking to our children but because of all the lesson plans and intent to educate them according to his plan that has stirred up our great nation.
After sleeping on it, I thought well his speech could be used against him if we as parents properly educate our children with how our Government should work, and what liberties and rights we have that is so beautifuly laid out in the constutition. And then show them how they are not only being stripped away but the burden of debt that is being placed upon them becaue of unwise decision of our leaders past and present.
After reading other blogs on this same subject here is my view.
I do believe it is our responsibility to let our leaders know what we don't agree with. They are elected to protect
our liberties and our rights, which in turn protects our religion which in turn protects our Families. Our leaders are an extension of us the people of the United States of America. When issues or problems
are brought to the table they should first run it past the constitution and see what they have the authority to do. Our leaders should meet together and debate and communicate, for our best interests and the interests of those that put them into office. Whether it is for the good for the people or not. For our current leaders it seems to be all a game and When someone who is as Power hungry as Obama doesn't get his way he has to go one step further, one
step closer to a society that I don't want. Bottom line based on the lesson plans from the Dept of Education I have heard of, this speech has the potential to be far more than a motivational speech from our president and seems to be a speech to convince our kids to support policies and social goals that I do not agree with. When the final
speech text is released on Monday, Chad & I will read and discuss it. For now we plan to send our children to school and have them watch it and then use family home evening to talk about it as a family. Whether or not you allow your kids to watch the speech is your own choice, you can make it into a family home evening and pull your family closer
together, and talk about how to respectfullly make a stand as to what is right. So bottom line, take this opportunity as adults and let your elected leaders know how you feel. No mater how that may be.
Here in Alabama or maybe just as Harvest Elementary do not have the right as parents here to enter the school and observe anytime we want. It is at the discretion of both the teacher and the principal. That makes people more nervous when our president, whose office we respect, but most of whose policies and methods we don't, decides to directly address our children. I am grateful that the school is allowing parents to choose whether or not their children watch this speech, just because we should have the choice.
Fundamentally the constitution gives the federal government no power or authority to deal in any matter of education, other than the "promote the general welfare" clause, which I do not think extends to providing lesson plans etc.. It almost bothers me more that the Department of Education has prepared lesson plans centered around this
speech than that the speech is being given. Any other speech by a famous person, would be viewed by the teacher beforehand, who would then decide how to fit the speech into their curriculum, but not in this case. Education should be handled at the local and state level and not at the national level. Local and State governments know more
about what their citizens feel is appropriate education and they do have the authority over education, unlike the federal government.
It is critical that we remain not only educated in what our leaders are doing, but also be vocal as to whether or not we approve and especially WHY. Our education should lead us to an understanding as what our leaders are doing that right and what they are doing that is wrong / unconstitutional.
Now in closing I would like to paste something from another blog and then respond to it
A wise fictional character named Yoda once said, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
There once was a great Man who got angry and turned over some tables and chased out the money changers. Good anger is what produces the energy to fix the things that are wrong. Fear can lead to anger, but
so can a righteous understanding that our country is not being lead in a direction that we agree with. Think about it don't get pissed off and do something positive to change what is not right. We the People
of the United States of America..... "One Nation Under God!
(This post was in response to a post posted by my Aunt that I deleted cuz I was pissed off, She so misunderstands me and the whole Tea party movement it isn't about President Obama, it is about his policies that are striping away our basic American Liberties, leaving our children with so much debt they won't be able to survive, and the fact that they think the constitution is something to wipe your butt with!)
I am sorry that you truly believe this is all about work and responsibility and work. And when I home schooled my kids wrote lots of papers on things that I wanted them to learn, and really understand. I never have and never will use worksheets and paper writing as a brain washing technique. Now for respect. I respect the office of the President ... Read Moreof the United States of America, I have never said anything against him, or his family. I do not how ever agree with his policies, and his blatant disrespect for the constitution of America. The very document he should be defending, and using as a guide to his policies he backs for this nation.
We the people of the United States of America...... "One Nation Under God"
September 8th boycott public schools every where, Don't let Obama get to the kids. One of the first rules of running a socialistic society is to destroy the family. He is going to present his plan to the kids and turn them against their parentsh...ttp://
Good stress relief as out constitution fades further out of the view of our President and his court or goones!
Source: more of Tim's videos at
I finally got it! I understand the emergency of our President. They need to have the civilian army built before elections to they can help the democrats get reelected. They needed the stimulus so they had money. I am sure there is something in Health... Care and Cap and Trade to aid in this process too.
This is going to be a super crazy week. Hope I can hold it all together.
The dude is in the ground not lets raise up the flags and get on with life! (referring to Teddy Kennedy sounds good for Michael Jackson too)
Doing face book with a new notebook, while watching Glenn Beck wow now I can mulit task being lazy!
I miss Ben, I think it is time for him to come home!
...Picture adults acting like kids on their way to earning a 'Ph.D' set of life skills that go well beyond Scouting
Bonnie Allred of Pack 60, working last spring on her Wood Badge Photos special to the Tribune by Beverly Durham
Essentially, Boy Scouting is for, well, boys. But when it comes to top-level leadership training, Scouting is for grown-ups who act like boys.
It's called Wood Badge, and it's provided training for tens of thousands of Scout leaders since its inception in 1919. To earn the badge takes at least 18 months including all of the paperwork to complete one's "ticket."
Leading the upcoming Wood Badge course for troops in the 22 counties of the Greater Alabama Council is grown-up/boy Ken "Butch" Durham of Arab.
As the Wood Badge course director, he says he's "scoutmaster" for a staff of 28 adults, including four who function as group leaders for the expected 48 adult participants who'll undergo the training course.
He describes the Wood Badge as the Ph.D of Scouting.
"It's equivalent to industrial leadership training," Durham says. "A lot of people say it's better than what their companies pay beau coups dollars for."
Wood Badge is open to any Cub, Boy and Venture Scout leader who is trained in his or her position as, say, an assistant scoutmaster.
The actual sessions with participants will be held over two long weekends in October. Forty-two of the 48 Wood Badge slots have been reserved, and Durham expects the others to fill.
The cost is $195, most of which goes back into the training, food and the scarves, beads and other accessories recipients receive upon completion.
At this point, Durham is leading staff development, training, as it were, for the trainers. These sessions are being done over three weekends at Camp Comer, near Mentone, and the third and final one will be held in September.
Ashley Nelson of Arab, lower left, and Karen Fowler of Anniston act like adults -sort of - during the same course at Camp Comer
"Everybody will have a presentation - the quartermaster staff, food service staff, the troop guides who will work directly with the participants," Durham says. "All will give presentations."
The October sessions with participants also will be held at Camp Comer. The first one will be classroom-orientated and is where the staff will make their presentations.
Then comes the weekend of camping.
Participants will be acting like 10-1/2- and 11-year-olds, providing the staff with adolescent and beginning Boy Scout challenges. In the process of acting like youngsters, participants will see in action the teamwork, conflict management and other presentations they were exposed to previously in a classroom setting, Durham says.
As a mild example, participants might show up for the campout pulling their gear in a little red wagon or toting a heavy cot instead of a sleeping bag. They'll be encouraged to create personal and relationship situations such as one might find among a group of kids and young Scouts.
"Anything you can image kids doing in woods," Durham says. "It takes very little encouragement to get them to do these things. Some of these adults are very good at acting like kids.
"The second weekend should be pretty interesting," he continues. "We want them to understand where a kid is coming from, plus look at the situation from an adult standpoint."
Along with his wife, Beverly, who is a member of his staff for the upcoming sessions, Durham earned his Wood Badge in 1998. Their three sons - Daniel, David and Aaron - all earned Eagle Scout ranks with Troop 60.
He's been involved as a staffer with nine previous Wood Badge sessions and considers it an honor to have been approved by the council to lead this one.
"It's an honor and weighty responsibility," he says. "I want to be sure folks get their money's worth from the course. It's not just another day, another walk through the park."
But it's something Durham obviously believes in. While the adults might act like kids some during the course, in the end, if they use what they learn, they are better adults for it.
"The big thing for me with Wood Badge is that it's not just Scout training," he says. "It's life skills. It's for home, work, everywhere."
“Future happiness and even the future of nations is linked to children. Families with children need to be re-enthroned as the fundamental unit of society. We simply must value children more than we do.”
The World Congress of Families is an international network of national, ethnic, cultural and religious communities that defend, affirm and promote the vital role of the family in society. World Congress V convened over a three-day period.
The Church has long advocated strong families and in 1995 issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” which states in part: “The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.”
Wendy Watson Nelson, Ph.D., wife of Elder Nelson, also spoke at the gathering about the need for families to have increased spiritual strength. “We need families who look to God and who remove anything from their lives that is spiritually corrupting,” she said. “Families who are spiritually strong are the only hope for the future of our nations.”
Also speaking at the conference was Sheri L. Dew, who formerly served as a counselor in the Church’s general Relief Society presidency. Dew said: “A virtuous life is an easier, more fulfilling life. And it is one of the most powerful keys to strengthening families and therefore to strengthening our world.”
Yup. I miss Ben I want him to come home!
Everyone should read "The 5000 Year Leap" We are a Christian Nation. It is a fact we are One Nation Under God! with God given rights, so you can believe and worship as you wish.
Check out Constitution Seminar "making of America" Do you want to attend
The President wants what is best for America despite what the American People say.
Did you know that it was a 1% tax from England that upset the early settlers to protest, define us as an interdependent nation, and fight the revolutionary war, and create the Constitution of the United States of America, and define our country as a ...Republic. So now what is it going to take for us to stand up and preserve the nation & constitution that was so wisely,created for us.
Ben on top of an old utility pole in Juniper with his Uncle Ben
2 years later, honored by random acts of service! In Memory of Ruth Nick & Audrey
You want to hear about them. (random acts of service)I have a hard time ratting myself out. It hit me the hardest when I mailed out the blanket, and wrote the date, that was yesterday, The poor postman thought I was loosing it. then he wanted me to put a price on the blanket. He wouldn't accept priceless.
I love what I do, I just need to remember that, and focus on that.
Micro organizers, & control freaks are people who can't trust others because they can't trust themselves, and are usually dishonest themselves. Don't you wish you could interview your boss and check out his or her back ground before jumping on board.
dropped my oldest of for the first day of High School! I must be really really old now to have a high schooler for a kid!
On the way home from Boise I stopped by a few historical or scenic view points Malad River Gorge, and Twin Falls and Shoshone Falls. Oh we had lunch with Mike & Michelle too. Great Day!
Ever heard of a poor man hiring anyone to work for him? No! Companies need to make a profit to continue to grow and hire new people. Then they have to advertise, up grade and come up with new products, and cheaper ways of doing business.
We went to Cedar Fort to check out the newly placed headstones on my the Weaver's graves.
And Hike to the Water tower again in good shoes. Nope still don't get it, and I'm not gonna try again!
WAKE-UP everyone! It isn't about Democrats, or Republican, it is about the CONSTITUTION & GOD given AMERICAN LIBERTY!!!
Basically, in short, when the government takes money to help out the private sector, it causes problems in other areas that are sometimes not obviously connected. That can cause surplus in goods that were not really needed, and can cause shortages in other areas, then the government has to take more money (bottomless pit so they think) to fix that ... Read Moreproblem. When things are left to the private sector, things will work out, and will be more fair. Most of what we call free market today has a lot of government interference and regulation. I can't go to my neighbor and take money to keep my business going, that would be robbery, but the government can reach in and do that very thing, and call it good. Private sector can not compete fairly with government and huge bottomless pockets.
I knew I could and I did it. I also handed out 90 copies of the constitution to day at t town hall meeting on the Health Care Bill. I even handed one to Parker when he started saying things that were unconstitutional just as a reminder.
fun detour on our way to Idaho
Thank you Debbie and Family we had tons of fun
Damn Mary you just don't win. I sure do love my kids. So Ann & Marie when we gonna go out
So Brandt when you want to go out and get drunk? Mary no comment there.
Yup I love my Ben True Blue helps me all the way
There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home My eyes are dim I cannot see I guess it is time for bed.
The guy was just here this morning and replaced the sensor again for the 4th time, only this time, My Washing machine still doesn't work! So they put us down to replace the washing maching but that is 7 to 10 days out!
"Free cheese is only found in mousetraps." -- Russian proverb
I love my bed, I love my house, I love my bathroom, I love my toilet! Damn it is good to be home!
Great day, Great Family!
My car alarm is louder than Beth's but hers puts on a better light show!
Currently in Boise Idaho, headed back to Juniper tomorrow. Pick up Chad Wednesday !!! Family Reunion Friday & Saturday, Kathy's on Monday then headed home Tuesday & Wednesday!
People contact your congress people and say NO on socialized health care!
Read the Constitution!
Wishing I were in Huntsville today! So I could be with the Phil Williams team!
Having fun doing nothing! life is soooo good!
Made it to Idaho, I voted before I left. So now all the rest of you go vote!!!!
Leaving for Idaho, tomorrow, a day late, but better prepared! and less stressed. One day made a huge difference!
Fun night at Huntsville Tea Party!
Had to sit here and baby load#3
Reading about LG washing machines. found a shop manual..... hummmmmmm
Well it appears the washer is still not 100% but is is sort of working again. the original problem still isn't fixed. (This started back in April)
good news sort of, didn't have to order parts for my washing machine. but he wasn't sure exactly what was wrong. replaced another sensor, and cleaned things out. It is quiet. Now for the test. Time to do a load of laundry.........
My washing machine is still broken, the guy said he would be here before noon. I now have 3 WEEKS of laundry to do, I leave for Idaho Monday Morning! I think it is time to start packing dirty laundry for a smelly trip! Mom hope your washer is working
Just got back from Comer BSA camp. I like it a whole lot better when it is warm and green!
Here's my take on it. There are some law of nature, or laws of God that are there and just can't be changed. So when people don't want to believe of follow those laws then need to feel justified, and in order to feel justified they nee...d support, and then need to make a loud noise. When quite simply and quietly, there are some laws of nature that just can't be broken. No matter how loud, cunning, or outrageous you may be.
Face book still amazes me!
Les Phillip 2010!
I have always been a support of Mo Brooks, but I really feel like it is time for new blood. New blood for conservatism, common sense, honest, and someone who isn't use to the same old game in politics. We need someone with a clean look who can f...ace the new challenges in Washington, and down size dc. Les Philip is a supporter of down size dc, and believes in the basic constitution conservatism, common sense. and is someone I can vote for
John Thune I am privileged to have been elected Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) today by my GOP colleagues. I will continue to work hard to articulate an alternative to the poor policy decisions being made by the majority wh...ile focusing on the need for reducing our unprecedented national debt.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!
Sarah completed the quiz "What Plastic Army Man Are You?" with the result Bazooka Guy!.Blunt and forceful. Blatant and to the point. You get stuff done, and you get it done in a hurry..Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGary
Tired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result is
GIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
I agree with you, if you are agreeing with me. ;)
Tis the season! Happy Cub Scout Day Camp everyone everywhere!
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
I know that is ideal, but that ain't real!Sarah took the How much should you weigh? quiz and got the result: 115 lbs.
Going to see Glenn Beck tonight. Hollywood 18 on the south pky! Happy late birthday to me! Thank you Chad!
Thanks everyone, I have had a wonderful Birthday! I love you all sooooo much!
The week has just began but I am already out of time.
Good stress relief as out constitution fades further out of the view of our President and his court or goones!
I finally got it! I understand the emergency of our President. They need to have the civilian army built before elections to they can help the democrats get reelected. They needed the stimulus so they had money. I am sure there is something in Health... Care and Cap and Trade to aid in this process too.
This is going to be a super crazy week. Hope I can hold it all together.
The dude is in the ground not lets raise up the flags and get on with life! (referring to Teddy Kennedy sounds good for Michael Jackson too)
Doing face book with a new notebook, while watching Glenn Beck wow now I can mulit task being lazy!
I miss Ben, I think it is time for him to come home!
...Picture adults acting like kids on their way to earning a 'Ph.D' set of life skills that go well beyond Scouting
Bonnie Allred of Pack 60, working last spring on her Wood Badge Photos special to the Tribune by Beverly Durham
Essentially, Boy Scouting is for, well, boys. But when it comes to top-level leadership training, Scouting is for grown-ups who act like boys.
It's called Wood Badge, and it's provided training for tens of thousands of Scout leaders since its inception in 1919. To earn the badge takes at least 18 months including all of the paperwork to complete one's "ticket."
Leading the upcoming Wood Badge course for troops in the 22 counties of the Greater Alabama Council is grown-up/boy Ken "Butch" Durham of Arab.
As the Wood Badge course director, he says he's "scoutmaster" for a staff of 28 adults, including four who function as group leaders for the expected 48 adult participants who'll undergo the training course.
He describes the Wood Badge as the Ph.D of Scouting.
"It's equivalent to industrial leadership training," Durham says. "A lot of people say it's better than what their companies pay beau coups dollars for."
Wood Badge is open to any Cub, Boy and Venture Scout leader who is trained in his or her position as, say, an assistant scoutmaster.
The actual sessions with participants will be held over two long weekends in October. Forty-two of the 48 Wood Badge slots have been reserved, and Durham expects the others to fill.
The cost is $195, most of which goes back into the training, food and the scarves, beads and other accessories recipients receive upon completion.
At this point, Durham is leading staff development, training, as it were, for the trainers. These sessions are being done over three weekends at Camp Comer, near Mentone, and the third and final one will be held in September.
Ashley Nelson of Arab, lower left, and Karen Fowler of Anniston act like adults -sort of - during the same course at Camp Comer
"Everybody will have a presentation - the quartermaster staff, food service staff, the troop guides who will work directly with the participants," Durham says. "All will give presentations."
The October sessions with participants also will be held at Camp Comer. The first one will be classroom-orientated and is where the staff will make their presentations.
Then comes the weekend of camping.
Participants will be acting like 10-1/2- and 11-year-olds, providing the staff with adolescent and beginning Boy Scout challenges. In the process of acting like youngsters, participants will see in action the teamwork, conflict management and other presentations they were exposed to previously in a classroom setting, Durham says.
As a mild example, participants might show up for the campout pulling their gear in a little red wagon or toting a heavy cot instead of a sleeping bag. They'll be encouraged to create personal and relationship situations such as one might find among a group of kids and young Scouts.
"Anything you can image kids doing in woods," Durham says. "It takes very little encouragement to get them to do these things. Some of these adults are very good at acting like kids.
"The second weekend should be pretty interesting," he continues. "We want them to understand where a kid is coming from, plus look at the situation from an adult standpoint."
Along with his wife, Beverly, who is a member of his staff for the upcoming sessions, Durham earned his Wood Badge in 1998. Their three sons - Daniel, David and Aaron - all earned Eagle Scout ranks with Troop 60.
He's been involved as a staffer with nine previous Wood Badge sessions and considers it an honor to have been approved by the council to lead this one.
"It's an honor and weighty responsibility," he says. "I want to be sure folks get their money's worth from the course. It's not just another day, another walk through the park."
But it's something Durham obviously believes in. While the adults might act like kids some during the course, in the end, if they use what they learn, they are better adults for it.
"The big thing for me with Wood Badge is that it's not just Scout training," he says. "It's life skills. It's for home, work, everywhere."
“Future happiness and even the future of nations is linked to children. Families with children need to be re-enthroned as the fundamental unit of society. We simply must value children more than we do.”
The World Congress of Families is an international network of national, ethnic, cultural and religious communities that defend, affirm and promote the vital role of the family in society. World Congress V convened over a three-day period.
The Church has long advocated strong families and in 1995 issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” which states in part: “The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.”
Wendy Watson Nelson, Ph.D., wife of Elder Nelson, also spoke at the gathering about the need for families to have increased spiritual strength. “We need families who look to God and who remove anything from their lives that is spiritually corrupting,” she said. “Families who are spiritually strong are the only hope for the future of our nations.”
Also speaking at the conference was Sheri L. Dew, who formerly served as a counselor in the Church’s general Relief Society presidency. Dew said: “A virtuous life is an easier, more fulfilling life. And it is one of the most powerful keys to strengthening families and therefore to strengthening our world.”
Yup. I miss Ben I want him to come home!
Everyone should read "The 5000 Year Leap" We are a Christian Nation. It is a fact we are One Nation Under God! with God given rights, so you can believe and worship as you wish.
Check out Constitution Seminar "making of America" Do you want to attend
The President wants what is best for America despite what the American People say.
Did you know that it was a 1% tax from England that upset the early settlers to protest, define us as an interdependent nation, and fight the revolutionary war, and create the Constitution of the United States of America, and define our country as a ...Republic. So now what is it going to take for us to stand up and preserve the nation & constitution that was so wisely,created for us.
Ben on top of an old utility pole in Juniper with his Uncle Ben
2 years later, honored by random acts of service! In Memory of Ruth Nick & Audrey
You want to hear about them. (random acts of service)I have a hard time ratting myself out. It hit me the hardest when I mailed out the blanket, and wrote the date, that was yesterday, The poor postman thought I was loosing it. then he wanted me to put a price on the blanket. He wouldn't accept priceless.
I love what I do, I just need to remember that, and focus on that.
Micro organizers, & control freaks are people who can't trust others because they can't trust themselves, and are usually dishonest themselves. Don't you wish you could interview your boss and check out his or her back ground before jumping on board.
dropped my oldest of for the first day of High School! I must be really really old now to have a high schooler for a kid!
On the way home from Boise I stopped by a few historical or scenic view points Malad River Gorge, and Twin Falls and Shoshone Falls. Oh we had lunch with Mike & Michelle too. Great Day!
Ever heard of a poor man hiring anyone to work for him? No! Companies need to make a profit to continue to grow and hire new people. Then they have to advertise, up grade and come up with new products, and cheaper ways of doing business.
We went to Cedar Fort to check out the newly placed headstones on my the Weaver's graves.
And Hike to the Water tower again in good shoes. Nope still don't get it, and I'm not gonna try again!
WAKE-UP everyone! It isn't about Democrats, or Republican, it is about the CONSTITUTION & GOD given AMERICAN LIBERTY!!!
Basically, in short, when the government takes money to help out the private sector, it causes problems in other areas that are sometimes not obviously connected. That can cause surplus in goods that were not really needed, and can cause shortages in other areas, then the government has to take more money (bottomless pit so they think) to fix that ... Read Moreproblem. When things are left to the private sector, things will work out, and will be more fair. Most of what we call free market today has a lot of government interference and regulation. I can't go to my neighbor and take money to keep my business going, that would be robbery, but the government can reach in and do that very thing, and call it good. Private sector can not compete fairly with government and huge bottomless pockets.
I knew I could and I did it. I also handed out 90 copies of the constitution to day at t town hall meeting on the Health Care Bill. I even handed one to Parker when he started saying things that were unconstitutional just as a reminder.
fun detour on our way to Idaho
Thank you Debbie and Family we had tons of fun
Damn Mary you just don't win. I sure do love my kids. So Ann & Marie when we gonna go out
So Brandt when you want to go out and get drunk? Mary no comment there.
Yup I love my Ben True Blue helps me all the way
There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home My eyes are dim I cannot see I guess it is time for bed.
The guy was just here this morning and replaced the sensor again for the 4th time, only this time, My Washing machine still doesn't work! So they put us down to replace the washing maching but that is 7 to 10 days out!
"Free cheese is only found in mousetraps." -- Russian proverb
I love my bed, I love my house, I love my bathroom, I love my toilet! Damn it is good to be home!
Great day, Great Family!
My car alarm is louder than Beth's but hers puts on a better light show!
Currently in Boise Idaho, headed back to Juniper tomorrow. Pick up Chad Wednesday !!! Family Reunion Friday & Saturday, Kathy's on Monday then headed home Tuesday & Wednesday!
People contact your congress people and say NO on socialized health care!
Read the Constitution!
Wishing I were in Huntsville today! So I could be with the Phil Williams team!
Having fun doing nothing! life is soooo good!
Made it to Idaho, I voted before I left. So now all the rest of you go vote!!!!
Leaving for Idaho, tomorrow, a day late, but better prepared! and less stressed. One day made a huge difference!
Fun night at Huntsville Tea Party!
Had to sit here and baby load#3
Reading about LG washing machines. found a shop manual..... hummmmmmm
Well it appears the washer is still not 100% but is is sort of working again. the original problem still isn't fixed. (This started back in April)
good news sort of, didn't have to order parts for my washing machine. but he wasn't sure exactly what was wrong. replaced another sensor, and cleaned things out. It is quiet. Now for the test. Time to do a load of laundry.........
My washing machine is still broken, the guy said he would be here before noon. I now have 3 WEEKS of laundry to do, I leave for Idaho Monday Morning! I think it is time to start packing dirty laundry for a smelly trip! Mom hope your washer is working
Just got back from Comer BSA camp. I like it a whole lot better when it is warm and green!
Here's my take on it. There are some law of nature, or laws of God that are there and just can't be changed. So when people don't want to believe of follow those laws then need to feel justified, and in order to feel justified they nee...d support, and then need to make a loud noise. When quite simply and quietly, there are some laws of nature that just can't be broken. No matter how loud, cunning, or outrageous you may be.
Face book still amazes me!
Les Phillip 2010!
I have always been a support of Mo Brooks, but I really feel like it is time for new blood. New blood for conservatism, common sense, honest, and someone who isn't use to the same old game in politics. We need someone with a clean look who can f...ace the new challenges in Washington, and down size dc. Les Philip is a supporter of down size dc, and believes in the basic constitution conservatism, common sense. and is someone I can vote for
John Thune I am privileged to have been elected Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) today by my GOP colleagues. I will continue to work hard to articulate an alternative to the poor policy decisions being made by the majority wh...ile focusing on the need for reducing our unprecedented national debt.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!
Sarah completed the quiz "What Plastic Army Man Are You?" with the result Bazooka Guy!.Blunt and forceful. Blatant and to the point. You get stuff done, and you get it done in a hurry..Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGary
Tired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result is
GIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
I agree with you, if you are agreeing with me. ;)
Tis the season! Happy Cub Scout Day Camp everyone everywhere!
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
I know that is ideal, but that ain't real!Sarah took the How much should you weigh? quiz and got the result: 115 lbs.
Going to see Glenn Beck tonight. Hollywood 18 on the south pky! Happy late birthday to me! Thank you Chad!
Thanks everyone, I have had a wonderful Birthday! I love you all sooooo much!
The week has just began but I am already out of time.
This is going to be a super crazy week. Hope I can hold it all together.
The dude is in the ground not lets raise up the flags and get on with life! (referring to Teddy Kennedy sounds good for Michael Jackson too)
Doing face book with a new notebook, while watching Glenn Beck wow now I can mulit task being lazy!
I miss Ben, I think it is time for him to come home!
...Picture adults acting like kids on their way to earning a 'Ph.D' set of life skills that go well beyond Scouting
Bonnie Allred of Pack 60, working last spring on her Wood Badge Photos special to the Tribune by Beverly Durham |
Essentially, Boy Scouting is for, well, boys. But when it comes to top-level leadership training, Scouting is for grown-ups who act like boys.
It's called Wood Badge, and it's provided training for tens of thousands of Scout leaders since its inception in 1919. To earn the badge takes at least 18 months including all of the paperwork to complete one's "ticket."
Leading the upcoming Wood Badge course for troops in the 22 counties of the Greater Alabama Council is grown-up/boy Ken "Butch" Durham of Arab.
As the Wood Badge course director, he says he's "scoutmaster" for a staff of 28 adults, including four who function as group leaders for the expected 48 adult participants who'll undergo the training course.
He describes the Wood Badge as the Ph.D of Scouting.
"It's equivalent to industrial leadership training," Durham says. "A lot of people say it's better than what their companies pay beau coups dollars for."
Wood Badge is open to any Cub, Boy and Venture Scout leader who is trained in his or her position as, say, an assistant scoutmaster.
The actual sessions with participants will be held over two long weekends in October. Forty-two of the 48 Wood Badge slots have been reserved, and Durham expects the others to fill.
The cost is $195, most of which goes back into the training, food and the scarves, beads and other accessories recipients receive upon completion.
At this point, Durham is leading staff development, training, as it were, for the trainers. These sessions are being done over three weekends at Camp Comer, near Mentone, and the third and final one will be held in September.
Ashley Nelson of Arab, lower left, and Karen Fowler of Anniston act like adults -sort of - during the same course at Camp Comer |
"Everybody will have a presentation - the quartermaster staff, food service staff, the troop guides who will work directly with the participants," Durham says. "All will give presentations."
The October sessions with participants also will be held at Camp Comer. The first one will be classroom-orientated and is where the staff will make their presentations.
Then comes the weekend of camping.
Participants will be acting like 10-1/2- and 11-year-olds, providing the staff with adolescent and beginning Boy Scout challenges. In the process of acting like youngsters, participants will see in action the teamwork, conflict management and other presentations they were exposed to previously in a classroom setting, Durham says.
As a mild example, participants might show up for the campout pulling their gear in a little red wagon or toting a heavy cot instead of a sleeping bag. They'll be encouraged to create personal and relationship situations such as one might find among a group of kids and young Scouts.
"Anything you can image kids doing in woods," Durham says. "It takes very little encouragement to get them to do these things. Some of these adults are very good at acting like kids.
"The second weekend should be pretty interesting," he continues. "We want them to understand where a kid is coming from, plus look at the situation from an adult standpoint."
Along with his wife, Beverly, who is a member of his staff for the upcoming sessions, Durham earned his Wood Badge in 1998. Their three sons - Daniel, David and Aaron - all earned Eagle Scout ranks with Troop 60.
He's been involved as a staffer with nine previous Wood Badge sessions and considers it an honor to have been approved by the council to lead this one.
"It's an honor and weighty responsibility," he says. "I want to be sure folks get their money's worth from the course. It's not just another day, another walk through the park."
But it's something Durham obviously believes in. While the adults might act like kids some during the course, in the end, if they use what they learn, they are better adults for it.
"The big thing for me with Wood Badge is that it's not just Scout training," he says. "It's life skills. It's for home, work, everywhere."
“Future happiness and even the future of nations is linked to children. Families with children need to be re-enthroned as the fundamental unit of society. We simply must value children more than we do.”
The World Congress of Families is an international network of national, ethnic, cultural and religious communities that defend, affirm and promote the vital role of the family in society. World Congress V convened over a three-day period.
The Church has long advocated strong families and in 1995 issued “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” which states in part: “The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.”
Wendy Watson Nelson, Ph.D., wife of Elder Nelson, also spoke at the gathering about the need for families to have increased spiritual strength. “We need families who look to God and who remove anything from their lives that is spiritually corrupting,” she said. “Families who are spiritually strong are the only hope for the future of our nations.”
Also speaking at the conference was Sheri L. Dew, who formerly served as a counselor in the Church’s general Relief Society presidency. Dew said: “A virtuous life is an easier, more fulfilling life. And it is one of the most powerful keys to strengthening families and therefore to strengthening our world.”
Everyone should read "The 5000 Year Leap" We are a Christian Nation. It is a fact we are One Nation Under God! with God given rights, so you can believe and worship as you wish.
Check out Constitution Seminar "making of America" Do you want to attend
The President wants what is best for America despite what the American People say.
Did you know that it was a 1% tax from England that upset the early settlers to protest, define us as an interdependent nation, and fight the revolutionary war, and create the Constitution of the United States of America, and define our country as a ...Republic. So now what is it going to take for us to stand up and preserve the nation & constitution that was so wisely,created for us.
Ben on top of an old utility pole in Juniper with his Uncle Ben
2 years later, honored by random acts of service! In Memory of Ruth Nick & Audrey
You want to hear about them. (random acts of service)I have a hard time ratting myself out. It hit me the hardest when I mailed out the blanket, and wrote the date, that was yesterday, The poor postman thought I was loosing it. then he wanted me to put a price on the blanket. He wouldn't accept priceless.
I love what I do, I just need to remember that, and focus on that.
Micro organizers, & control freaks are people who can't trust others because they can't trust themselves, and are usually dishonest themselves. Don't you wish you could interview your boss and check out his or her back ground before jumping on board.
dropped my oldest of for the first day of High School! I must be really really old now to have a high schooler for a kid!
On the way home from Boise I stopped by a few historical or scenic view points Malad River Gorge, and Twin Falls and Shoshone Falls. Oh we had lunch with Mike & Michelle too. Great Day!
Ever heard of a poor man hiring anyone to work for him? No! Companies need to make a profit to continue to grow and hire new people. Then they have to advertise, up grade and come up with new products, and cheaper ways of doing business.
We went to Cedar Fort to check out the newly placed headstones on my the Weaver's graves.
And Hike to the Water tower again in good shoes. Nope still don't get it, and I'm not gonna try again!
WAKE-UP everyone! It isn't about Democrats, or Republican, it is about the CONSTITUTION & GOD given AMERICAN LIBERTY!!!
Basically, in short, when the government takes money to help out the private sector, it causes problems in other areas that are sometimes not obviously connected. That can cause surplus in goods that were not really needed, and can cause shortages in other areas, then the government has to take more money (bottomless pit so they think) to fix that ... Read Moreproblem. When things are left to the private sector, things will work out, and will be more fair. Most of what we call free market today has a lot of government interference and regulation. I can't go to my neighbor and take money to keep my business going, that would be robbery, but the government can reach in and do that very thing, and call it good. Private sector can not compete fairly with government and huge bottomless pockets.
I knew I could and I did it. I also handed out 90 copies of the constitution to day at t town hall meeting on the Health Care Bill. I even handed one to Parker when he started saying things that were unconstitutional just as a reminder.
fun detour on our way to Idaho
Thank you Debbie and Family we had tons of fun
Damn Mary you just don't win. I sure do love my kids. So Ann & Marie when we gonna go out
So Brandt when you want to go out and get drunk? Mary no comment there.
Yup I love my Ben True Blue helps me all the way
There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home My eyes are dim I cannot see I guess it is time for bed.
The guy was just here this morning and replaced the sensor again for the 4th time, only this time, My Washing machine still doesn't work! So they put us down to replace the washing maching but that is 7 to 10 days out!
"Free cheese is only found in mousetraps." -- Russian proverb
I love my bed, I love my house, I love my bathroom, I love my toilet! Damn it is good to be home!
Great day, Great Family!
My car alarm is louder than Beth's but hers puts on a better light show!
Currently in Boise Idaho, headed back to Juniper tomorrow. Pick up Chad Wednesday !!! Family Reunion Friday & Saturday, Kathy's on Monday then headed home Tuesday & Wednesday!
People contact your congress people and say NO on socialized health care!
Read the Constitution!
Wishing I were in Huntsville today! So I could be with the Phil Williams team!
Having fun doing nothing! life is soooo good!
Made it to Idaho, I voted before I left. So now all the rest of you go vote!!!!
Leaving for Idaho, tomorrow, a day late, but better prepared! and less stressed. One day made a huge difference!
Fun night at Huntsville Tea Party!
Had to sit here and baby load#3
Reading about LG washing machines. found a shop manual..... hummmmmmm
Well it appears the washer is still not 100% but is is sort of working again. the original problem still isn't fixed. (This started back in April)
good news sort of, didn't have to order parts for my washing machine. but he wasn't sure exactly what was wrong. replaced another sensor, and cleaned things out. It is quiet. Now for the test. Time to do a load of laundry.........
My washing machine is still broken, the guy said he would be here before noon. I now have 3 WEEKS of laundry to do, I leave for Idaho Monday Morning! I think it is time to start packing dirty laundry for a smelly trip! Mom hope your washer is working
Just got back from Comer BSA camp. I like it a whole lot better when it is warm and green!
Here's my take on it. There are some law of nature, or laws of God that are there and just can't be changed. So when people don't want to believe of follow those laws then need to feel justified, and in order to feel justified they nee...d support, and then need to make a loud noise. When quite simply and quietly, there are some laws of nature that just can't be broken. No matter how loud, cunning, or outrageous you may be.
Face book still amazes me!
Les Phillip 2010!
I have always been a support of Mo Brooks, but I really feel like it is time for new blood. New blood for conservatism, common sense, honest, and someone who isn't use to the same old game in politics. We need someone with a clean look who can f...ace the new challenges in Washington, and down size dc. Les Philip is a supporter of down size dc, and believes in the basic constitution conservatism, common sense. and is someone I can vote for
John Thune I am privileged to have been elected Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) today by my GOP colleagues. I will continue to work hard to articulate an alternative to the poor policy decisions being made by the majority wh...ile focusing on the need for reducing our unprecedented national debt.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!
Sarah completed the quiz "What Plastic Army Man Are You?" with the result Bazooka Guy!.Blunt and forceful. Blatant and to the point. You get stuff done, and you get it done in a hurry..Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGary
Tired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result is
GIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
I agree with you, if you are agreeing with me. ;)
Tis the season! Happy Cub Scout Day Camp everyone everywhere!
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
I know that is ideal, but that ain't real!Sarah took the How much should you weigh? quiz and got the result: 115 lbs.
Going to see Glenn Beck tonight. Hollywood 18 on the south pky! Happy late birthday to me! Thank you Chad!
Thanks everyone, I have had a wonderful Birthday! I love you all sooooo much!
The week has just began but I am already out of time.
Ben on top of an old utility pole in Juniper with his Uncle Ben
2 years later, honored by random acts of service! In Memory of Ruth Nick & Audrey
You want to hear about them. (random acts of service)I have a hard time ratting myself out. It hit me the hardest when I mailed out the blanket, and wrote the date, that was yesterday, The poor postman thought I was loosing it. then he wanted me to put a price on the blanket. He wouldn't accept priceless.I love what I do, I just need to remember that, and focus on that.
Micro organizers, & control freaks are people who can't trust others because they can't trust themselves, and are usually dishonest themselves. Don't you wish you could interview your boss and check out his or her back ground before jumping on board.
dropped my oldest of for the first day of High School! I must be really really old now to have a high schooler for a kid!
On the way home from Boise I stopped by a few historical or scenic view points Malad River Gorge, and Twin Falls and Shoshone Falls. Oh we had lunch with Mike & Michelle too. Great Day!
Ever heard of a poor man hiring anyone to work for him? No! Companies need to make a profit to continue to grow and hire new people. Then they have to advertise, up grade and come up with new products, and cheaper ways of doing business.
We went to Cedar Fort to check out the newly placed headstones on my the Weaver's graves.
And Hike to the Water tower again in good shoes. Nope still don't get it, and I'm not gonna try again!
WAKE-UP everyone! It isn't about Democrats, or Republican, it is about the CONSTITUTION & GOD given AMERICAN LIBERTY!!!
Basically, in short, when the government takes money to help out the private sector, it causes problems in other areas that are sometimes not obviously connected. That can cause surplus in goods that were not really needed, and can cause shortages in other areas, then the government has to take more money (bottomless pit so they think) to fix that ... Read Moreproblem. When things are left to the private sector, things will work out, and will be more fair. Most of what we call free market today has a lot of government interference and regulation. I can't go to my neighbor and take money to keep my business going, that would be robbery, but the government can reach in and do that very thing, and call it good. Private sector can not compete fairly with government and huge bottomless pockets.I knew I could and I did it. I also handed out 90 copies of the constitution to day at t town hall meeting on the Health Care Bill. I even handed one to Parker when he started saying things that were unconstitutional just as a reminder.
fun detour on our way to Idaho
Thank you Debbie and Family we had tons of fun
Damn Mary you just don't win. I sure do love my kids. So Ann & Marie when we gonna go out
So Brandt when you want to go out and get drunk? Mary no comment there.
Yup I love my Ben True Blue helps me all the way
There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home There are bugs bugs bugs diving to the light in my home in my home My eyes are dim I cannot see I guess it is time for bed.
The guy was just here this morning and replaced the sensor again for the 4th time, only this time, My Washing machine still doesn't work! So they put us down to replace the washing maching but that is 7 to 10 days out!
"Free cheese is only found in mousetraps." -- Russian proverb
I love my bed, I love my house, I love my bathroom, I love my toilet! Damn it is good to be home!
Great day, Great Family!
My car alarm is louder than Beth's but hers puts on a better light show!
Currently in Boise Idaho, headed back to Juniper tomorrow. Pick up Chad Wednesday !!! Family Reunion Friday & Saturday, Kathy's on Monday then headed home Tuesday & Wednesday!
People contact your congress people and say NO on socialized health care!
Read the Constitution!Wishing I were in Huntsville today! So I could be with the Phil Williams team!
Having fun doing nothing! life is soooo good!
Made it to Idaho, I voted before I left. So now all the rest of you go vote!!!!
Leaving for Idaho, tomorrow, a day late, but better prepared! and less stressed. One day made a huge difference!
Fun night at Huntsville Tea Party!
Had to sit here and baby load#3
Reading about LG washing machines. found a shop manual..... hummmmmmm
Well it appears the washer is still not 100% but is is sort of working again. the original problem still isn't fixed. (This started back in April)
good news sort of, didn't have to order parts for my washing machine. but he wasn't sure exactly what was wrong. replaced another sensor, and cleaned things out. It is quiet. Now for the test. Time to do a load of laundry.........
My washing machine is still broken, the guy said he would be here before noon. I now have 3 WEEKS of laundry to do, I leave for Idaho Monday Morning! I think it is time to start packing dirty laundry for a smelly trip! Mom hope your washer is working
Just got back from Comer BSA camp. I like it a whole lot better when it is warm and green!
Here's my take on it. There are some law of nature, or laws of God that are there and just can't be changed. So when people don't want to believe of follow those laws then need to feel justified, and in order to feel justified they nee...d support, and then need to make a loud noise. When quite simply and quietly, there are some laws of nature that just can't be broken. No matter how loud, cunning, or outrageous you may be.
Face book still amazes me!
Les Phillip 2010!
I have always been a support of Mo Brooks, but I really feel like it is time for new blood. New blood for conservatism, common sense, honest, and someone who isn't use to the same old game in politics. We need someone with a clean look who can f...ace the new challenges in Washington, and down size dc. Les Philip is a supporter of down size dc, and believes in the basic constitution conservatism, common sense. and is someone I can vote for
John Thune I am privileged to have been elected Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) today by my GOP colleagues. I will continue to work hard to articulate an alternative to the poor policy decisions being made by the majority wh...ile focusing on the need for reducing our unprecedented national debt.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!
Sarah completed the quiz "What Plastic Army Man Are You?" with the result Bazooka Guy!.Blunt and forceful. Blatant and to the point. You get stuff done, and you get it done in a hurry..Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGary
Tired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result is
GIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
I agree with you, if you are agreeing with me. ;)
Tis the season! Happy Cub Scout Day Camp everyone everywhere!
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
I know that is ideal, but that ain't real!Sarah took the How much should you weigh? quiz and got the result: 115 lbs.
Going to see Glenn Beck tonight. Hollywood 18 on the south pky! Happy late birthday to me! Thank you Chad!
Thanks everyone, I have had a wonderful Birthday! I love you all sooooo much!
The week has just began but I am already out of time.
Face book still amazes me!
Les Phillip 2010!
I have always been a support of Mo Brooks, but I really feel like it is time for new blood. New blood for conservatism, common sense, honest, and someone who isn't use to the same old game in politics. We need someone with a clean look who can f...ace the new challenges in Washington, and down size dc. Les Philip is a supporter of down size dc, and believes in the basic constitution conservatism, common sense. and is someone I can vote for
John Thune I am privileged to have been elected Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) today by my GOP colleagues. I will continue to work hard to articulate an alternative to the poor policy decisions being made by the majority wh...ile focusing on the need for reducing our unprecedented national debt.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!
Sarah completed the quiz "What Plastic Army Man Are You?" with the result Bazooka Guy!.Blunt and forceful. Blatant and to the point. You get stuff done, and you get it done in a hurry..Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGary
Tired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result is
GIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
I agree with you, if you are agreeing with me. ;)
Tis the season! Happy Cub Scout Day Camp everyone everywhere!
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
I know that is ideal, but that ain't real!Sarah took the How much should you weigh? quiz and got the result: 115 lbs.
Going to see Glenn Beck tonight. Hollywood 18 on the south pky! Happy late birthday to me! Thank you Chad!
Thanks everyone, I have had a wonderful Birthday! I love you all sooooo much!
The week has just began but I am already out of time.
John Thune I am privileged to have been elected Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) today by my GOP colleagues. I will continue to work hard to articulate an alternative to the poor policy decisions being made by the majority wh...ile focusing on the need for reducing our unprecedented national debt.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!
Sarah completed the quiz "What Plastic Army Man Are You?" with the result Bazooka Guy!.Blunt and forceful. Blatant and to the point. You get stuff done, and you get it done in a hurry..Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGary
Tired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result is
GIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
I agree with you, if you are agreeing with me. ;)
Tis the season! Happy Cub Scout Day Camp everyone everywhere!
Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others." Ayn Rand
I know that is ideal, but that ain't real!Sarah took the How much should you weigh? quiz and got the result: 115 lbs.
Going to see Glenn Beck tonight. Hollywood 18 on the south pky! Happy late birthday to me! Thank you Chad!
Thanks everyone, I have had a wonderful Birthday! I love you all sooooo much!
The week has just began but I am already out of time.
Check out all the petitions you can sign
Another year of Day camp down and in the books! And yup I am already looking forward to next year!
Things are well, Hot and tired we are in the middle Cub Scout day Camp. Then off to Idaho for a month! Wow rest!Bring it on!
I went to visit a friend, who doesn't have much time left here on earth. Her visiting time is very limited, and as I spent time with her family, I watched her mom with tears rolling down her cheeks rub lotion on her hands and put lip balm on her lips and then let her know that she loved her know that was all she could do to help her. Tuff day!
She passed away this afternoon.
Andrea McGaryTired, stress, and confused.
How in the heck did they come up with that one. Guess I have some growing to do.
What should be your real height?6 ft 6 in quiz and the result isGIANT! You are very very tall that you freak other people out when you meet!
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