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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Busy Week
This week has been soooo incredibly busy, and stressful I don't even know where to start if I were to actually write it all down. I have spend time busy in scouts getting many wonderful donations! I have been getting ready for CeAnna's birthday Party. The banquet/pine wood derby next week. Dr appointments, and then HUGE surprise! Wow I still haven't even read much about the Merit Badge class I am going to teach on Saturday. And the Party is tomorrow, crap I better get some b-day presents! Anyway to start the week out, I went to Church like any other Sunday, except, I got sick. Really sick. Sarah doesn't puke but she broke this rule big time. I finely got home and relaxed and got and what ever made me sick passed quickly, thank heavens cuz I really didn't have time to be sick! Well tonight while I breezed though a baby shower my neighbor asked me if I was feeling better. I looked at her really confused like and asked in all honesty, "Was I sick?" Both of my friends were there that I had talked to on Sunday, and ask them to make sure there was plenty of help in Nursery, I wasn't going to be there. (BTW ADD moment, if you haven't checked out the new nursery manual it really rocks! go find it on Anyway both Shawn, and Summer looked at me and said ummm Ya you were sick Sunday. Oh ya, and wow did I look stupid! It was a good laugh anyway. And one of those you really had to be there.

Guess when it is time for family faith and prayers it is time for an up date. For starters I am sorry Christmas letters never made it out this year. I have the pictures, Maybe I will just put them in envelopes and send them out as is. I was going to do happy new year, and then it was going to be happy valentines letters. Well I am glad nobody is turning blue holding your breath waiting to hear from us. One of my goals this year is to keep in touch with family better. and to spend more time with my own family. I am doing well on the second one.
Lesson learned, a friend posted it on face book. If you are in over your head shut your mouth. I have shut my mouth, but then I get voleentold what to do.
Ok here goes.
Chad, is thankful for his job and the company he works for. He has grown a lot and is achieving many goals. New management has thrown in a few stumbling blocks, for not only him and his team but the others that are under new leader ship as well. They are all staying positive and working together, thankful they all have each other. Chad was called last summer to be the Elders quorum president. So far so good. He has really good councilors, that makes all the difference. His Saturdays are usually booked up with camp outs, service projects, eagle projects, or other scout events that Sarah does. Our house that we started painting summer of 07 still isn't finished, the trim is half yellow and half brown, all in the back yard though. We have big plans for our little garden, and plans to add more, yup you herd it more when and when I am not sure. but more has been ordered.
Andrew has been in public school this year. we put him in 8th grade instead of 9th because all of us including Andrew didn't know if he could handle school for the first time + early morning seminary. So we opted for 8th grade to start things out. Andrew being so small and slightly socially slow, well we figured it wouldn't hurt in that area either. He has been doing OUTSTANDING! He even tutors other students instead of doing PE. He enjoys it, although some of the other kids really get on his nerves. He is very patient and mature with them. Last year Andrew became a member of the OA (order of the arrow) Coosa lodge. meeting are held at the same time as round table, so attending meeting is fairly easy. He is now to the point of starting his Eagle project. He just had to decide what to do and then do it. I think he is going to gps mark family cemeteries, record the information from the stones and then up load them to the internet. Looking forward to that one.
Just a side note, we have been in one place long enough that I have been able to see my wolf scouts earn their Eagle Scout award. way cool!
Ben is stubbornly staying at home, for his education. With Andrew & CeAnna in school I have been able to spend more time with Ben, He really likes that. Although it isn't always peachy around here, we have accomplished many things. the biggest accomplishment was the BSA swimming test. He didn't ever think he would pass that. Well now he has mentioned doing the swimming merit badge. Way to go Ben. He is always planing and building something, sometimes I don't think he even know what he is building, just something he thought of. He saves up and buys what he needs, and then builds, builds builds. While I was helping out with the choir kids at Christmas we found some new friends. They too are home schooled, and they all get along really well.
CeAnna well she is still the life of the party, and brings in a lot of drama into the family as well. EVERYTHING is dramatic! EVERYTHING has more than one meaning, and must be thought about and talked about in several different ways. This is something I am so not good at. She is doing very well and then some in school. She loves activity day girls, and all her friends, and they do a lot of talking. She also has a lot of boy friends, just because girls are boring and just want to sit around and talk, and she likes to get out an play. So there you have it 100% girl! She is very creative and loves taking pictures, videos, and writing stories, life, and songs.
Me I am a stay at home mom that is hardly ever at home. Dr appointments, shopping, BSA, Church. And well anything else that comes up. Just to explain things a bit better. for the BSA part. I am District Activity Chair person for Talakto District. (that means all of Madison county.) This is a volunteer position. I am in charge of Fishing Rodeo (September) Leader Banquet, (January) Pine Wood Derby (March) Webelos Bridging (April) Day Camp (June thank Heavens that one has an awesome chair person who is in charge of this) H2O day (July) Each of these events, takes a lot of running around and getting donations. (Tawny I think you can understand this part) Then the planing meetings, securing a location, set up and clean up, for 150 - 300 cub scouts depending on the event. + their families.
In the process of all this I also help coordinate, scout night with the Stars (Baseball), Scout night with the Havoc(Hockey), Scout night with the Vipers (football). I get to attend monthly planing meetings for Round Table planing, District Committee Meeting, and the Round Table, which I usually get talked into doing something on top of what I already have scheduled.
Andrew Has Dr appointment\ therapy appointments Every Tuesday morning, and every Thursday evening. Ben is every other Wednesday. Wednesday evening is Scouts(my local den) and Activity day girls. I still get to find time to home school Ben, and do all the other stay at home tasks of the home. Now that is all said and done, I love everything about our life and our family. I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so thankful that Chad is blessed with a wonderful Job that allows me to stay at home, and do all the things I love to do.
Now for the prayer part. Currently we are in the process of adoption, and I am sure you are all really tired of hearing about this, but hold on there is new news. We have put in a request, (still not sure exactly what that means) to adopt a couple of kids here in Alabama. Latasha age 12 Logan age 9. We of course would like things to go smoothly if this is meant to be, more waiting game, and more putting our family's fate into the hands of a government social worker. Well when it is put like that, it is really scary, we like to think that it is in the Lords hands, and he knows what is best for us and our family. Anyway, here is the short write up on Logan and Latasha, along with a picture of them.
Thanks for everything,
Chad Sarah & Family
Logan was born in August 1999. He is in the 4th grade (2008-09 school year). He makes good grades but sometimes needs extra help keeping focused and completing his work. Logan is very helpful, loving and compassionate with others. Logan is very self-confident. He needs a family that can demonstrate patience and consistency in order to help him control his frustrations. He needs much love and nurturing. Logan loves sports and is very athletic. He wants to be a football player or wrestler when he grows up. Logan enjoys playing video games and jumping on the trampoline. He is a talented artist. Logan enjoys attending church.
Latasha was born in August 1996. She is in the 6th grade (2008-09 school year). She enjoys school and makes good grades. She is involved in chorus and has a beautiful voice. Latasha enjoys singing, listening to music and writing songs. She is also a very good artist. Latasha enjoys animals and wants to make a career of this possible as a veterinarian assistant. She is very talkative and outgoing. Latasha is eager to help others and has a desire to please others. She loves her younger brother, Logan and tries to be a positive role model for him. Latasha enjoys church and has a very strong faith.
Logan & Latasha desire a family that can provide a new life for them together. They both love the country where they can be outside and play with animals.
Paths are made by walking!
Life isn't always fair but you can always be honest!
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